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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年04月26日 13:22 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4208项目名称: 地产管理项目国 家: 塞尔维亚类 属: 其他资金支持: 世界银行摘要:设备采购贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:YF3908合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-4-26截止日期:2005-5-27项目介绍:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness, Issue No. 636 of 16 August 2004.The Republicof Serbia -Republic Geodetic Authority has received a credit fromtheInternational Development Association toward the cost of
theRealEstate Cadastre and Registration Project, and it intends toapplypart of the proceeds of this credit to payments under thecontractfor procurement of base station and equipment BidNo.SAM-RECRP-YF3908-ICB-G-05-003.The Project Implementation UnitofRepublic Geodetic Authority now invites sealed bids fromeligiblebidders for base stations, rovers and equipment.Biddingwill beconducted through the international competitive biddingproceduresspecified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurementunder IBRDLoans and IDA Credits and is open to all bidders fromeligiblesource countries as defined in the Guidelines.Interestedeligiblebidders may obtain further information from theProjectImplementation Unit of Republic Geodetic Authority andinspect thebidding documents at the address given below from 0900to 1500hours (local time), Monday through Friday.A complete set ofbiddingdocuments, available in English only, may be purchasedbyinterested bidders upon the submission of a written applicationtothe address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee 150Eurosor equivalent in Serbian Dinars based on the selling exchangeratepublished by the National Bank of Serbia on the dateofpayment.Domestic Bidders shall make payment to theGovernmentTreasury Account no.: 840-1620-21 with referencenumber40600-410-04-423432, stating: RGZ/PIU TenderICB-G-05-003Foreignbidders shall pay a nonrefundable fee of 150Euros according to thefollowing payment instructions:56A:Intermediary bank: :DEUTDEFFDEUTSCHE BANK AG FRANKFURT AM MAIN57A:Account with Institution::/100 9363029 0000 RZBJCSBG RAIFFEISENBANKAD BEOGRAD, Resavska 22,Beograd59: Beneficiary Customer: :/2651799595 MINISTARSTVOFINANSIJA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE, PROJEKATKATASTRA NEPOKRETNOSTI I UPISAPRAVA, stating: RGZ/PIU TenderICB-G-05-003If the Bidder requiresthat the bidding documents shouldbe sent by courier, the bidderwill be obliged to cover deliveryexpenses.Bids must be deliveredto the address below no later than27 May 2005, 1200 hours (localtime). All bids must be accompaniedby a bid security of Eur5,000.00 or an equivalent amount in afreely convertible currency.Late bids will be rejected. Bids willbe opened in the presence ofthe bidders?representatives who chooseto attend at the addressbelow at 1200 hours (local time) on 27 May2005 at the Conferenceroom on the 5th floor.Contact:MilenaMatic.Project ImplementationUnit.Republic GeotheticAuthority.Bulevar Vojvode Mi歩ca 39.11000Belgrade, Serbia.Tel:(381-11) 265-2408.Fax: (381-11)265-2408.E-mail:milenamatic@rgz.sr.gov.yuNoticeNumber:WB1269-654/05


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