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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年04月22日 12:06 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4188项目名称: 社会和经济恢复项目国 家: 克罗地亚类 属: 其他资金支持: 世界银行摘要:一般性采购贷款/信贷号码: 贷款号:7283-0合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-4-22截止日期:项目介绍:TheGovernment of Croatia has applied for a loanfrom the InternationalBank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD) in the amount of US$44.2 million equivalent toward the costof the Croatia Social andEconomic Recovery Project, and it intendsto apply the proceeds ofthis loan to payments fo
r goods, works,related services andconsulting services to be procured under thisproject.The projectwill include the following components:The maintive is to supportthe economic and social revitalization ofdisadvantaged and waraffected areas as a way to increase socialcohesion and promote amore balanced regional development within thecountry.The long-termoutcomes of the project will be:(i)Improvement of the quality,access and availability of communityinfrastructure and services inpoor, conflict-affected andvulnerable communities.(ii) Improvedinstitutions at the grassrootslevel: local governments andcommunities can plan and manage theirinvestments and improve thedecentralized management of servicedelivery.(iii) Inter-communityintegration and empowerment througheffective partnership at thelocal level.(iv) Enhancement ofnational level development planningand policy formulation, throughimproved planning capacity, impactmonitoring and evaluation ofoutputs generated by the localdevelopment initiatives.The projecthas four components:(i)Component 1: Community InvestmentProjects,(ii) Component 2:De-mining,(iii) Component 3:Institutional development,(iv)Component 4: Project Management.C1:Community InvestmentsThiscomponent would finance on a grant basissmall-scale communityworks or services projects and economicactivities selected on ademand-driven basis with the activeparticipation of communitygroups and local governments. It consistsof:Sub-component 1:Social inclusion. The sub-component will improveaccess bywar-affected, disadvantaged or vulnerable persons andothercitizens in the Areas of Special State Concern tocommunity-basedservices; and promote new initiatives incommunity-basedactivities;Sub-component 2: Economic revitalization:Thesub-component will support the development of farm andoff-farmincome generation activities in local communities. Itwillcontribute to increased opportunities for small businessesandincentives for different war affected groups;Sub-component 3:Smallcommunity infrastructures: The sub-component will address theneedfor rehabilitation of small-scale social andeconomicinfrastructure at the local level.C2: De-miningThiscomponent wouldfinance de-mining operations to be carried out byCROMAC, in areastargeted by component 1. It is dividedin:Sub-component 1:Equipment: some basic equipment and machinery(including flails)used by CROMAC will be renewed, so that theorganization can carryout de-mining operations in the next 5years.;Sub-Component 2:De-mining operations: Activities willconcern clearance of mines inthose caseserehwlands required forthe effective implementationof specific subprojects are inmine-field mapped areas.C3:Institutional developmentThis componentwould support the centraland local administration to develop anoverall strategy for theAreas of Specials State Concern as well asto establishparticipatory and technically sound practices in localterritorialplanning, decision-making and implementation. TheComponent isdivided in 3 sub-components:Sub-component 1:Institutionaldevelopment at the central level will provide capacitybuilding forthe Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transportation andDevelopment newlyestablished CSERP Program Coordination Unit (PCU).The PCU will beestablished under the Ministry抯 Directorate forRegionalDevelopment. The same unit and its expertise will laterwork withEU pre-accession funds and could evolve as an authoritymanagingstructural funds following EU accession.;Sub-component 2:Pretionof Regional Operational Programs (ROPs) , according toEUstandards, in four pre-selected counties. The program willprovidetechnical assistance (TA) for that purpose.Sub-component3:Institutional development at the local level will addresslocallevel institutional development by enhancing both horizontalandvertical linkages among stakeholders. To this end it willfundtechnical assistance and training for local governmentofficialsand representatives of civil society.erehwappropriatetheseactivities could be complemented through the provision ofsomelimited goods. This sub-component will focus on municipalitiestoenhance the capacity for inter-municipality(intra-county)cooperation.C4: Overall project managementThiscomponent willsupport the other components by funding projectmanagement,including: financial management, procurement, necessarybeneficiaryoutreach, and monitoring and evaluation. It willtherefore fundincremental operating costs (including somesalaries), goods,technical assistance and training, and possiblysome limited worksif needed to ensure appropriate office space forthe ProjectManagement Unit and its regional offices.Procurement ofcontractsfinanced by the loan will be conducted through theproceduresspecified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurementunder IBRDLoans and IDA Credits, dated May 2004, and is open to allbiddersfrom eligible source countries as defined in theguidelines.Consulting services will be selected in accordance withthe WorldBank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultantsby WorldBank Borrowers, dated May 2004.Specific procurement noticesforcontracts to be bid under the World Bank抯 internationalcompetitivebidding (ICB) procedures and for large-valueconsultants?contractswill be announced, as they become available,in dgMarket , UNDevelopment Business and in localnewspapers.Interested eligiblebidders who wish to be included onthe mailing list to receive aninvitation to prequalify/bid underICB procedures, and interestedconsultants who wish to receive acopy of the advertisementrequesting expressions of interest forlarge-valueconsultants?contracts, or those requiring additionalinformation,should contact the address below.Contact:Ministry ofSea, Tourism,Transport and Development.Project ImplementationUnit.ProjectManager.Vla歬a 108.10.000 Zagreb, Croatia.Tel: (385-1)4695-732.Fax:(385-1) 4695-729.E-mail:Zrinka.benkovic@zg.htnet.NoticeNumber:WB1250-654/05


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