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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年04月21日 15:27 商务部网站

  展会时间:2005年5月15日至2005年5月17日参展范围:商业照明:格栅灯、金卤灯、节能筒灯、三防灯、射灯、应急灯、节能灯、舞台灯等;户外工程照明:照明工程设计、路灯、庭院灯、草坪灯、投光灯等;民用灯具:家用吊灯、吸顶灯、台灯、落地灯等;照明电器附件;照明电工产品、整流器、电子变压器、电子调频器、灯光控制、照明电器专用材料等。展会举办周期:1 届/年城市: 迪拜举办地址: 迪拜世界贸易中心中心展馆名称:迪拜世界贸易中心上届展会数据:2004回顾:2004年展会共有来自20个国家和地区的414家企业参展,他们
分别来自美国,英、法、德、日,意,中国,伊朗等。其展位净面积12000多平方米.据统计,共有来自海湾六国、欧洲、印巴、远东地区41个国家和地区12448名专业人士登记参会。登记的专业人士的组成:进出口贸易商40%,生产、供应商25.05%,建筑商12.22%,室内装潢公司10.06%,海湾各国政府安全部门官员4.28%,海运,公路,航空公司3.21%,其他4.81%。此次展会现场成交5800万美金,比2003年增加9%./Thepastten years have seen huge growth in the populations and theamount ofvisitors for the Gulf States of the United Arab Emirates,SaudiArabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.It is estimated thattheArabian Gulf States will spend over US$200 Billion onconstructionprojects over the next 5 years including:Housing &ApartmentsProjects - US$42 Billion such as Dubai Palm Islandcosting US$3Billion and The World a project of 300 islands beingbuilt off theDubai coast to resemble a map of the world that willinvolve islandand property build costs of over US$5Billion.Shopping Malls – US$26Billion with projects such as theMall of the Emirates being builtto offer 2.4 Million Square Feetof Retail Space. In the next fiveyears the United Arab Emirateswill have over 100 Billion squarefeet of retail space.Hotel &Holiday Resort Projects - US$23Billion with plans to build morethan 200 hotels in the Gulf overthe next few years and with Dubailooking to attract over 15 Millionvisitors per annum by 2010.Theme& Leisure Parks – US$11 Billiona moderate estimate with thecost of building Dubai Land soon tobecome the world’s largesttheme park at over US$5 Billion.Ports& Airports – US$17Billion including the Dubai InternationalAirport expansion at acost of US$2.5 Billion and the expansion ofAbu Dhabi Airport at acost of US$600 Million.Business Parks &Office Developments --US$54 Billion with projects such as DubaiFinancial City US$3Billion and Burj Dubai which on completion willbecome the world’stallest high rise building.组织者: EPOC MESSEFRANKFURT德国法兰克福(迪拜)展览公司)展会简介:简介:迪拜素有“中东的香港”之美誉,是整.个中东的金融经济中心,也是中东地区的交通枢纽和最大的贸易集散中心。通过迪拜,货物可转销到海湾地区、东欧、非洲、南亚、地中海等地区。目前,据迪拜专业人士估计,随着海湾地区人口和旅游业的增长、中东国家基础设施的重建,仅阿联酋在未来四年里在建筑项目上的花费就超过500亿美元,而五金需求在2005年将超过20亿美元。并且。我国产品以种类繁多,档次适中、规格齐全、价格合理颇受中东客户青睐。进一步开发潜力极大,其中机电五金、汽摩配件、厨卫用具极具竞争优势。其它:推广方式为确保此次展会的成功,组委会将对该展会进行强有力的广告宣传,同时我司也对本次展会计划了全方位推广计划:中东地区20多家最重要的国家级报纸及中东50多家重要报纸上进行全方位的广告运动。1、中东各个国家30多家电台的黄金段时间进行广告宣传。2、中东地区主要的商业和专业杂志上发布全页的彩色广告和邀请函。3、整个中东地区发送海报等宣传资料。4、20,000多家本地区最主要的采购者发电子邮件及8,000多个主要采购者发传真。5、接发EMAIL邀请函给20,000家主要客户,发传真邀请函给8,000家主要客户。6、1600多家最重要客户发出个人邀请函,直接邮寄邀请函给中东40,000多家主要客户。7、组织中东贸易买家参加的相关竞赛活动,赢得比赛的贸易买家免费欧洲旅行。2005Region wide trade visitorpromotionExhibitors will benefit from aregion wide trade visitorpromotion programme. This visitorpromotion campaign willinclude:1. Advertising in over 20 newspapersaround the region.2.Direct mail including visitor invitations andfull colournewsletters throughout the region to over 93,000 keybuyers.3.Colour poster campaign.4. Over 30 Radio Commercials atbusinessdrive time.5. E-mail shots to over 30,000 majorpurchasers.6. Faxshots to over 10,000 major purchasers.7. Full pagecolouradvertising in leading regional business magazines.8. Apressrelations campaign covering over 50 major newspapers withfullsupplements in 3 leading Gulf newspapers.9.Personalisedinvitations sent to over 1600 VIPs.联系方式公司名称:上海国际广告展览有限公司 地址:上海市黄河路355号雅州大楼1号楼532室联系人: 孙娜 邮政编码: 200003联系电话:021-63585018-8045E-mail: meggie0806@hotmail.com传真: 021-63585870


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