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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年04月15日 22:30 商务部网站

  An upcoming World Bank conference scheduled for Ras alKhaimahnear Dubai next May 28-29. The World Bank team is workingwith theCrown Prince of Ras al Khaimah and his advisors to attractnewbusinessotnitheir Emirate which will now be only 45-55minuteswith the new highway from congested and expensive Dubai.TheWorldBank conference represents an opportunity for your companiestoidentify and evaluate new business opportunities and beintroducedto new partners. This should fit in
to their strategy togain accessto new Middle Eastern markets, to broaden sources ofsupplies andto establish new commercial relationships.The WorldBank and itsconference organizer, Concept Events (Dubai) arefinalizing theconference website and brochure center now. They willbe availablewithin a few days. Chinese companies will be able toregister forthe conference and obtain hotel reservations directlyon theconference website.Conference SummarySponsor: World BankRasAlKhaimah, UAE - (Near Dubai)May 28-29 2005 - NoAttendanceFeesConference will cover:-Government Policy promotingbusinessdevelopment-Legal and Regulatory Environment-FreeTradeZones-Development / Expansion of the port atMinaSaqr-Infrastructure- IT, telecom, airport, roads,water,sewage-Hotels and tourism on pristine beaches now accessibletoDubai-Real Estate- commercial and residential --Cement andbuildingmaterials-Healthcare-Education


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