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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年04月14日 09:18 商务部网站

  Country:AnguillaProject:FIFTH POWERPROJECTFinancing:CaribbeanDevelopmentBankAbstract:CONSULTINGSERVICESSector:ConsultantsDeadline:16 May2005The AnguillaElectricity Company Limited (ANGLEC) has appliedfor aloan from theCaribbean Development Bank (CDB) to assistinfinancing additionalgenerating capacity at the CoritoPowerStation. The tive of theProject is to improveANGLEC抯operational and reliability capabilityand cater to projecteddemandfor electricity on the island ofAngui
lla.ANGLEC invites thesubmission of statements of capabilityfromconsultants or jointventures of consultants interested inprovidingengineeringsupervisory consultancy services during theperiod ofprojectimplementation which is currently estimated as 12months.Furtherdetails on the Project can be obtained from thefirstaddress below.In the assessment of submissions, considerationwillbe given to thetechnical competence, qualifications andexperience,local andregional experience on similar assignments,financialcapability andexisting commitments. All information shallbesubmitted inEnglish.Consultants shall be eligible forprocurement if:In the caseof a body corporate, it is legallyincorporated orotherwiseorganized in an eligible country, has itsprincipal placeof businessin an eligible country and is more than50 per centbeneficiallyowned by a citizen or citizens and/or abona fideresident orresidents of an eligible country or countriesor by abody or bodiescorporate meeting these requirements.In thecase of individuals andunincorporated firms, the person orpersonsis or are a citizen orcitizens or bona fide resident orresidentsof an eligible country;andIn all cases, the consultant has noarrangement and undertakesnotto make any arrangement whereby anysubstantial part of thenetprofits or other tangible benefits ofthe contract will accrue orbepaid to a person not a citizen orbona fide resident of aneligiblecountry.Eligible countries are CDBmr countries.Three copiesof the statement of capability must bereceived by theGeneralManager, ANGLEC, at the first address below,no later than1600hours, on 16 May 2005, with one copy being sentsimultaneouslyto CDBat the second address below. The sealedenvelopes containingthesubmission should include the name andaddress of the applicantandshould be clearly marked: 揝TATEMENT OFCAPABILITY:ENGINEERINGCONSULTING SERVICES - FIFTH POWER PROJECT-ANGUILLA?Following assessment of the submissions, a short listofnot lessthan three and not more than six applicants willbeprovided withfull terms of reference and invited tosubmittechnical andfinancial proposals to undertake theassignment.ANGLEC reserves thecenter to accept or reject lateapplications orto cancel the presentinvitation partially or in itsentirety. Itwill not be bound toassign any reason for not shortlisting anyapplicant and will notdefray any costs incurred by anyapplicant inthe pretion andsubmission of statements.Contact:(1)AnguillaElectricity Company Limited (ANGLEC).PO Box 400.TheValley,Anguilla.Tel: (264) 497-5200.Fax: (264) 497-5440.(2)CaribbeanDevelopment Bank.Project Supervision Division.Attn:DivisionChief.Wildey, St. MichaelBarbados.Tel: (246) 431-1600.Fax:(246)426-7269


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