Privatization of state EnterprisesForest IndustriesCorporation(FIC)The Government of Sierra Leone, acting through theNationalCommission of Privatization (NCP), hereby invitesinterestedpersons to submit bids for the acquisition of the ForestIndustriesCorporation (FIC)ENTERPRISE PROFILEForest IndustriesCorporation(FIC) started operations in 1947 as a small sawmill atKenema inthe eastern Provinces of Sierra Leone, 368 km form theCapitalFreetown, when it took over the states
of the ForestIndustriesDepartment (FID)FIC’s primary t were to supplygovernmentdepartments, development schemes and private consumerswith swamtimber and timber manufactured goods, private training foracontinued employment of local people, utilize economicallytheforest area available, complete against imported timber andtimbermanufacturers and to replace such imports with locallyproducedtimber, furniture, joinery and articles made of woodFICgrewgradually and became a significant industry within theSierraLeonean economy, turning over Le1.56 million with a profit ofLe64,000 in 1976. In the same year, logs felled in the forestwere379,438HV, whilst production of swam timber amounted to261,300Cu.ft.The eleven years of war have had a devastating effecton theentire operations of the Corporation, particularly theloggingdepartment that is currently non-existent. TheCorporationcurrently maintains a skeletal staff to protect itsassets andproduces some furniture on contract basis.BIDINFORMATIONBiddocuments (including detailed bid procedures) will beprovide tointerested persons upon return of NCP’s standardformconfidentially undertaking, duly signed, with paymentofappropriate fee. Bids from persons who do not comply withtheserequirements will not be accepted. Completed bids must bedeliveredto NCP on or before 1700hrs (GMT) on Friday 29April2005.Interested persons should contact:THEEXECUTIVESECRETARYNational Commission for PrivatizationLottoHouseOAUDriveFreetownSierra LeoneTel: 232 (22)227759/290447/290448Fax: 232(22)