求购:1、黄铜板(Brass Sheet, 60/40 to JIS H3100 C2801P, 1/4/Hard,Polished:1吨:6*3 or 1m*2m or (6*2)* about0.35mmthickness4吨:6*3 or 1m*2m or (6*2)* about0.40mmthickness1吨:6*3 or 1m*2m* 0.90mm thickness2、铜片(Coppersheets, 1/4hard, Polished)
2吨: 6*3 or 1m*2m*0.40mm thickness3、2吨铅板(Lead Sheets Soft1.5mmthick. T
he width could about 1metre to 2metres wide andsupplied inrolls of 50 to 200 kg. Used in X-ray anti-radiationscreens inhospitals)4、2吨铅封( Lead Seals Soft 1/2’’ (12mm) diameter.Used insealing containers, water and electricity meters, banknotesbundles,trucks and tankers, etc.5、4000捆铜丝(4000 rolls*1/2Kg.(2tons) each roll very fine lashed Copper Sealing Wire. Thethicknessof each Wire is about 0.35mm and it is lashed with acopper wirewhich is slightly thinner. Annealed soft, used withaboveLeadseals.6、1吨纯锡锭(1 ton of 99% pure Tin in ingot form,forindustrial use and to make white metal solder)7、2吨铅锭(2 tons ofpurelead in ingot form, for industrial use.8、1吨铅(1 ton Leadwool,forindustrial use)公司:Mamujee Brothers Limited Office通讯地址:P. O.Box90600,Mombasa,Kenya电话:254-41-316754/316755/316766传真:254-41-230323联系人:Mr.MustiMamujeeE-mail: office@mamujeebrothers.com