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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年01月05日 07:18 商务部网站


  公司:Maua Park Ltd

  通讯地址:P. O. Box 63467, Nairobi, Kenya



  联系人:Mr. A.W.Kimani

  E-mail: mauapark2@yahoo.co.uk附件:MILITARY BOOTSREQUIRED:20,000PAIRSPRICE QUOTES: CIF SEA PORT OFMOMBASA.TECHNICALSPECIFICATION1). STANDARD PATTERNA standardpattern is as theattached drawing. All parts of the upper will begrain Leatherapart from the toecap, counter and inside collar whichwill beplain.2). MATERIALS(a). Upper Leather(i) The Outsidesexcludingtongues are to be full grain side leather. Grain or Plain.Theleather should be full chrome tanned to minimum 3.5% chromiumoxide(Cr2 03) based on dry fat free leather. Leather thicknessshall be2.0 - 2.2mm.(ii) The tongues shall be grain leather of softnatureand half bellows design will be preshaped and also allow foreasyaccess for the foot. The leather will conform to thechromerequirements as defined in point (i). The leather thicknessshallbe between 1.4 - 1.8mm. The tongue shall be lined with minimum3mmfoam in its center with a strong nylon backer.3. SOLE.Sole-Thesole is to be vulcanized directly to the upper, it should be ofacommando cleated pattern for good grip. The toe spring shouldbebetween 13 -15mm. The sole edge should be a minimum of15mmthickness. The sole should be heat and oil resistant. The solewillbe abrasion resistant.Insole. The insole can be of leather,leathercomposition, board or suitable non-woven cellulose material.Theinsole should be 2.5 - 3.00mm thickness. The insole shouldbecapable of absorbing moisture during wear and dispersing thisafteruse. The insole should be suitable for the rigorous use incombatconditions.Hooks & Eyelets. There shall be 4 eyeletsfittedbelow the vee quarter cut and 1 above. These shall be brassorsteel, of either the double type or fitted with a backwasher.There shall be 4 hooks above the eyelets of steel orsuitablestrong metal. All eyelets and hooks shall becorrosionresistant.Heel Core. The heel core shall be fiberboard,Light woodor moulded composition.Toepuffs. The toepuff is to befittedbetween the upper and lining at the toecap. It should besolventactivated abd be 3.0 -3.2mm thickness. It should give arigid shaperetention of the toe of the boot.Insole heel.erehwaleatherinsole is used, the back part of the insole should bereinforced bya moulded fibre board backer which will support theinsole and keepshape retention.Threads. Upper threads should bepolyester / cotton3 cord number 20 (metric). The stitch type shouldbe lockstitch.Where chainstitch side seams are used they must bewaxed intoposition and be in linen 18/5 cord. Chain stitching isnotrecommended as being a single thread; these can be pulled fromthesea. Sulphur diestuffs should not be used.Laces. Laces shouldbenylon, tubular, they should be 2-10cm in length, Have taggedendhave a breaking load of minimum 600N.Collar. The collar shouldbeof smooth soft leather; it should be minimum 25mm inwidth,havefoam fitter under of minimum 4mm thickness.Back Loop. Thebackstrip should be fitted with a loop at the top, this shouldbe25mmwide and a depth of 40mm.Colour. The boots and laces will beblackin colour.Sizes. The boots will be available in sizes 5 - 12infull sizes. Fittings should be available if required. Atcertaintimes larger sizes will be required upto and including size15.



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