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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年12月17日 09:25 商务部网站

  招标时间:2004年12月15日招标单位:塞拉利昂教育部招标内容:非洲开发银行援助在科诺区为4所小学修建教室等基础设施截止日期:2005年1月7日正文如下:INVITAIONFORBIDS (IFB)SABABU EDUCATION PROJECTNational competitiveBiddingForCivil Works In Kono DistrictDate: Novr 16,2004ContractIdentification Number: SP/AASL/NCB/01/11/2004ADB LoanNumber:210015006965ADB Grant Number: 21001555001864IDA GrantNumber:HO200SLProject Name: GOSL/ADB/IDA Education Project1.TheGovernment of Sierra Leone ha
s received a Loan and a grant fromtheAfrican development bank towards the cost ofGOSL/ADB/IDA/Education Project and intends to apply part of thefunds to coverthe eligible payments under the Contract for CivilWorks in konoDistrict.2. Action Aid Sierra Leone on behalf of theMinistry ofEducation Science and Technology invites sealed bids fortheconstruction of the following;BID LOT School LocationChiefdomDetion Qty Amount of Bid Security (Le)RC Ngo TownNimiyamaconstruction of 6 classroom blockConstruction of 6Compartment VIPLatrine 11NCB 1 SLYMCO sewafe Nimiyama Constructionof 3 classroomBlockConstruction of 6 compartment VIP Latrine 11Le3.500.000.00RCcondama Nimiyama construction of 6 classroomblockconstruction of 6Compartment VIP latrine 11NCB 2 KDEC TduNimiya Construction ofClassroom of 6 Classroom BlockConstruction of6 compartment VIPLatrine 11 Le4.500.000.00RC Mumpeh NimikoroConstruction of 6classroomConstruction of 6 compartment VIP Latrine11Le3.7000.000.00 millionNCB 3 UMC Nyamanda Nimikoro Constructionof3 Classroom block construction of 6 compartment VIPLatrine1Bidders may quote for one or more Lots. Bidders quoting foranincomplete lot will be considered non-responsive. Completionperiodper lot beyond 6 months is not acceptable3. Biddingdocuments(additional copies) may be obtained at Action Aid SierraLeone, 36A Freetown Road Lumley or 29 Bona Street, Koidu Townuponsubmission of a written request non-refundable fee ofLe.150,000.00. Interested bidders may obtain further information atthesame office.4. Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 daysafterBid Opening and must be accompanied by security as indicatedin theabove Table.5. Bids shall be delivered to Action Aid SierraLeoneDistrict Office at 29 Bona Street on or before 10:00am Decr30,2004, at which time they will be opened at the same place inthepresence of the bidders who wish to attend.Bid shall be in theformof a GuaranteeSIGNEDCOUNTRY DIRECTORACTION AID SIERRA LEONE



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