招标时间:2004年11月22日招标单位:塞拉利昂教育部招标内容:在塞西区东段城郊为7所小学修建教室、办公室、仓库等基础设施截止日期:2005年1月6日正文如下:INVITATIONFORBIDS (IFB)NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR CIVILWORKKS INKONODISTRICTSABABU EDUCATION PROJECTDate: 16th Novr,2004-11-19ContractIdentification No: SP/FSL/NCB/01/08/2004ADB LoanNumber:32001150006965ADB Grant Number: 2100155001864IDA GrantNumberH0200SL Project Name: GOSL/ADB/IDA/Education Project1.TheGovernment of Sie
rra Leone has received a loan and a grant fromtheAfrican Development Fund and a grant from theInternationalDevelopment Association towards the cost ofGOSL/ADB/IDA EducationProject and intends to apply part of thefunds to cover theeligible payments under the Contract for civilworks in KonoDistrict2. The Evangelical Fellowship Sierra Leone onbehalf of theMinistry of Education Science and Technology invitessealed bidsfor the construction of the following:Lot No LocationDetion ofcivil works Amount of Bids SecurityLeSchool Townchiefdom1. KDECPrimary Koidu Gbense a) Construction of one sixclassroom Blockb)Construction of one standard well with hand pumpc)Construction ofone, six apartment VIP Toilet Le11,000.000.00God isOur LightSamandu Koidu d) Reconstruction of one six classroomBlocke)Construction of one standard well with hand pumpf)Construction ofone six apartment VIP ToiletKDEC Primary School,Chinedu g)Reconstruction of one six classroom blockh) Constructionof one,Standard well with hand pumpi) Construction of one sixapartmentVIP toiletKDEC Primary No.9 Bongalow a) Reconstruction ofone sixclassroom Blockb) Construction of one standard well withhandpumpc) Construction of one, six apartment VIP Toilet2. God isourLight Sa’quee Town Tankoro d) Reconstruction of one, sixclassroomBlocke) Construction of one, standard well with handpumpf)Construction of one, six apartment VIP ToiletEvangelicalModelSchool Kwidadu Town g) Reconstruction of one, six classroomBlockh)Construction of one, standard well with hand pumpi)Construction ofone six apartment VIP Toiletj) Construction of oneAdministrativeBlock Le13,000.000.00KDEC Memorial kaima Gbenese a)Reconstructionof one, six classroom Blockb) Construction of one,standard wellwith hand pumpc) Construction of one, six apartmentVIPToiletEvangelical Model School Tegbadu d) Reconstruction ofone,six classroom Blocke) Construction of one, standard well withhandpumpf) Construction of one, six apartment VIPToiletFasaulukuMemorial Sec. Sch. (JSS) sandor g) Reconstruction ofone, sixclassroom Blockh) Construction of one, standard well withhandpumpConstruction of one, six apartment VIP ToiletKDECPrimarySchool samandu sandor a) Reconstruction of one, sixclassroomBlockb) Construction of one, standard well with handpumpc)Construction of one, six apartment VIP ToiletKDEC PrimarySch.Gbumajia sandor d) Reconstruction of one, six classroomBlocke)Construction of one, standard well with hand pumpf)Construction ofone, six apartment VIP Toilet 3,000.000.00Biddersmay quote for oneor more Lots. Bidders quoting for incomplete Lotshall beconsidered non-responsive. Completion period beyond 6Months is notacceptable. To be qualified for the award of contract,thesuccessful Bidder must be registered with the Ministry ofWorks,Housing and Technical Maintenance with Financial class 3orabove.3. Bidding documents 9and additional copies) may beobtainedat the Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leon, 35 CircularRoadFreetown, Sierra Leone or the District Office, 14 KonomaniStreet,Assemblies of God Compound, Konomani Park Koidu town,KonoDistrict, Sierra Leone submission of a written request foranon-refundable fee of Le150,000.00. Interested bidders mayobtainfurther information at the same office.4. Bids shall be validfor aperiod of 120 days after bid opening and must be accompaniedbysecurity as indicated in the above Table.5. Bid shall bedeliveredto the District office 14, Konomani Street, Assemblies ofGodCompound, Konomani Park, koidu District, Sierra Leone on orbefore10:00a.m. January 13, 2005, at which they will be opened atthesame place in the presence of the bidders who wish toattend.Bidsecurity shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee.