(Bid No. EPHARM 01/04)
The Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Sh.Co.EPHARMinvites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply ofvarioustypes of Plant Machineries Equipment.
1.Any interested bidder can collect tender documentsagainstpayment of non-refundable fee of Birr 250 fromPurchasingDivision.
2.All bids must be accompanied by a security of 2% of thebidamount in wax-sealed envelopes marked Bid for Tender No.Epharm01/04 and should be deposited in the tender box atEthiopianPharmaceuticals Manufacturing S. Co.
3.Bid will be closed on Decr 30, 2004 at 10:00 A.M. local timeandwill be opened on Decr 30, 2004 at 10:30 A.M. local time inthepresence of interested bidders or their representatives.
4.EPHARM reserves the center to accept or reject any or allbidsat any time prior to award of contract.
Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing S. Co.
Tel. 251-1- 71 10 00 Or 71 56 01/ 71 12 04
Fax 251-1- 71 20 88
E-mail: epharm@telecom.net.et
P.O. Box 2457
Addis Ababa