4、国家外汇管理局关于商业银行办理黄金进出口收付汇及核销业务有关问题的补充通知Rules and Other MeasuresoftheMinistry of Commerce
1.Decree No. 18, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of China, Promulgating the Provisional MeasuresforDesignation and Administration of Youth Volunteers toForeignAssistance
2. Announcement No. 65, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce ofthePeople’s Republic of China
3. Announcement No.68, 2004 of the Ministry of Commerce ofthePeople’s Republic of China, Releasing the Gross Export QuotasofAgricultural, Industrial and Textile Products in 2005
4. Notification No.28, 2004 of the Tendering Board forForeignAssistance Projects of the Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of China
5. Notification No.29, 2004 of the Tendering Board forForeignAssistance Projects of the Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of ChinaDepartment Rules and Other MeasuresofGovernmentDepartments and Local Governments
1. Circular of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s RepublicofChina, on Printing and Issuing the Provisions on Issues ofFinancialAdministration of Trust Businesses of Financial AssetsManagementCompanies
2. Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministrationof Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, onSuspending theVAT Tax Refund Policy to Integrated Circuits
3. Circular of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s RepublicofChina, on Printing and Issuing the Accounting Rules ofInvestmentCompanies
4. Supplementary Circular of the State Administration ofForeignExchange of the People’s Republic of China, on Issues ofForeignExchange Revenue, Payments and Verification in Gold ImportsandExports of Commercial Banks