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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年11月07日 09:13 商务部网站

  招标时间:2004年11月5日招标单位:塞拉利昂弗里敦市城市委员会招标内容:采购豪华轿车、货车截止日期:2004年11月25日正文如下:InvitationforBidsThe Republic of Sierra LeoneFreetown CityCouncil(FCC)SUPPLY OFVEHICLESIFB No. FCC/NCB/04/0011. Thisinvitation for bids followsthe general procurement notice thatappeared in several localnewspapers, dated 25 October 2004.2. TheFreetown City Council hasreceived funds which it intends to applypayments under the contractfor IFB No. FCC/NCB/
04/001.3. TheFreetown City Council now invitessealed bids from eligible biddersfor the supply of vehicles:LOTDETION QTY1. Vehicle, Limousine 12.Vehicles, Station Wagon 2Biddershall quote for any or all lots,but in any case for requiredquantities. Partial bids will berejected.4. Bidding will beconducted through the NationalCompetitive bidding (NCB)procedures.5. Interested eligible biddersmay obtain furtherinformation from the Council Office and inspectthe biddingdocuments at the address given in graph 7 below form8.00 a.m. to5.00 p.m. local time from 25 October 2004.6. Acomplete set ofbidding documents in English may be purchased byinterested bidderson the submission of a written application tothe address below andupon payment of a non-refundable fee of OneHundred and FiftyThousand Leone (Le 150,000). The method ofpayments will be by cash,cashier’s Cheques, or bank Draft toFreetown City Council. Supplierswho’s Cheques are found to be dudsshall have their bids rejected.7.Bids must be delivered to theaddress below at or before 1.00 pm GMTon Thursday 25 Novr 2004.All bids must be accompanied by a BidSecurity, which is at least2% of the total amount in the Bid. Latebids will be rejected. Bidswill be opened in the presence of thebidders’ representatives whowish to attend at the Conference Roomat the location indicatedbelow at 1.00p.m. On Thursday 25th Novr2004.Location for Purchaseof Bid Documents:The ConferenceRoomFreetown City Council17 WallaceJohnson Street FreetownSierraLeoneDate: Thursday 25 Novr 2004Time:1.00p.mTel:224209/229196Email:fcc@sierratel.slLocation forsubmission ofbidsThe Conference Room Freetown City Council17Wallace JohnsonStreetFreetownSierra LeoneDate: Thursday 25 Novr2004Time: 1.00p.m.


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