现有一瑞典批发商寻一种刷涂料用的滚子,具体要求如下,请感兴趣的供应商报价联系chinabiz@tele2.seSpecifications:Itisa polyester fur (wool) roller on a 22 mm plastic rim. The rimissupported by two nylon hubs wich rolls on an 8 mm steel bar.Thelength of the roller is 180 mm. The bar is bent and a handleofpolypropylene is mounted in the other end of the bar. The barisgalvanized. The overall lenth from the polyester roller to theendof the handle is about 300 mm. It is possible to
use asadisposable article. Therefore it may be necessary tomakesimplification of our standard product, without seriouslyaffectingthe n. For example the bar may be bent 180 degrees to formahandle. Maybe the producer can suggest other simplifications.