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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年10月13日 16:11 新浪财经




  集团公司顺应经济发展规律,成功组织实施了蚕桑基地由珠江三角洲老区向粤西、粤北地区的战略转移。先后新区建立了50多个县市子公司,投入3亿元资金,形成了配套成龙的育种、生产、收烘、储运设施,实行“公司+农户”生产经营模式。全省年产鲜桑蚕茧最高达4.5 万吨。集团公司与院校科研单位紧密合作,每年投入数百万元加强蚕桑品种改良;种养技术以及病虫防治的研究与推广;组织缫丝生产技术攻关,出口厂丝平均等级达3A+24,最高达6A;建设茧、丝、服装生产基地,依托基地扩大外贸出口。



  Brief introduction

  Guangdong Silk Imp.& Exp. Corp. (Group) is a large-scale enterprise, which mainly engages in production and trading of cocoon, silk yarns, silk fabrics and garments and integrates agriculture, industry, commerce, trade, scientific research and education. The corporation is listed among China’s 200 leading import and export enterprises with an import and export volume on front rank of the same industry.

  Since its establishment, especially the integration of trade, industry and agriculture in 1982, Guangdong Silk has been working hard at expanding foreign trade under an export-oriented policy and organizing the production of cocoon, silk yarns, silk fabrics and garments. The corporation has now grown to be a large-scale enterprise with a total asset of more than 4 billion Yuan, ranking 134th of the 500 Top China Enterprises. In 2003, the corporation achieved a total import and export value of 1.4 billion U.S. dollars and an export volume of 1.15 billion U.S. dollars. It was ranked first in China’s silk and textiles industry enterprises and the 27th among China’s 200 leading export enterprises.

  Complying with the law of economical development, the corporation succeeded in strategically transferring its silk and cocoon production bases from the developed Pearl River Delta to the backward west and north Guangdong. With an investment of 300 million Yuan, the corporation has set up over 50 subordinate companies at county level with complete facilities for silk worm breeding, cocoon production, collection, storage and transportation. The corporation developed an operation pattern of company + farmers to promote the production of cocoon and achieved an annual output of 45 thousand tons of cocoon. In addition, the corporation relies on education and technology to develop its silk industry and commerce. The corporation cooperates closely with universities and research institutions and spends millions of yuan every year improving the strains of mulberry and silkworms, researching and popularizing sericultural techniques and ways to prevent and cure diseases caused by pests, and solving technical problems arising in silk reeling. The grades of raw silk produced by Guangdong Silk have been increased to between 3A+24 and even to 6A. In addition to its cocoon and silk yarn bases, Guangdong Silk has also set up several garment factories to satisfy the demand from foreign trade.

  The corporation developed and implemented CI strategy and strived hard to create its own brand name products. Thanks to the advantage of technology and system, the corporation has produced high-quality SILIQUE brand raw silk, silk fabrics and garments. Being one of the key brands supported and developed by the Ministry of Commerce of China, SILIQUE brand is named as the noted brand by both Guangzhou City and Guangdong Province and is awarded China’s 500 most valuable brands by the World Brand Laboratory.

  Guangdong Silk Imp.& Exp. Corp. (Group) is well prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities after China’s entryotniWTO. Guangdong Silk hereby sincerely welcomes all people from industrial and commercial circles both domestic and international to extend business cooperation and technological exchanges with us.


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