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Food sector growth strides ahead

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年09月13日 08:35 商务部网站

  Chinas food industry, which posted a year-on-year increaseof26.6 per cent in the January-July period, is expected to sustainarapid and sound growth in the whole of 2004, industrialauthoritiessaid on Friday.The food sector generated an industrialvalue of869.89 billion yuan (US$104.8 billion) in the first sevenmonths ofthis year, contributing nearly 10 per cent to thecountrys total,Wang Wenzhe, president of the China National FoodIndustryAssociation, told a press conference
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.Despite the surgingprices ofraw materials, power shortages and trade barriers, Wangenvisionsthe food industry will grow at more than 20 per cent overthe wholeyear, because favourable conditions outweigh adverseones.Quotingfigures from the National Bureau of Statistics, Wangsaid sales offood firms already increased by 28.3 per cent year onyear to reach838.31 billion yuan (US$101 billion) between Januaryand July.Thegood performance is attributable to the countrysenhanced effortsto bolster the agricultural sectors expansion,particularlysupporting food processors, Wang said. In addition,food firmshave reacted and adapted themselves to match marketdemands.Theappalling food poisoning cases earlier this year, inparticular thefake milk powder scandal which led to 13 deaths andthemalnutrition of 189 babies in Anhuis Fuyang, have promptedfoodproducers to give top priority to food safety and nutrition,Wangsaid.The robust demands of consumers for safe food will inturnpropel them to improve quality control and develop on a secureandsustainable footing, he said.As to food trade, Zhang Bingzheng,anofficer of the General Administration of Customs, said onFridaythe country exported US$10.69 billion worth of foodproductsbetween January and July, up by 7.7 per cent over the sameperiodlast year, according to Zhang.Imports, however, soared by50.6 percent year on year to hit US$11.47 billion, producing aUS$780million deficit.Chinas food industry, which posted ayear-on-yearincrease of 26.6 per cent in the January-July period,is expectedto sustain a rapid and sound growth in the whole of2004,industrial authorities said on Friday.The food sectorgenerated anindustrial value of 869.89 billion yuan (US$104.8billion) in thefirst seven months of this year, contributing nearly10 per cent tothe countrys total, Wang Wenzhe, president of theChina NationalFood Industry Association, told a pressconference.Despite thesurging prices of raw materials, powershortages and tradebarriers, Wang envisions the food industry willgrow at more than20 per cent over the whole year, becausefavourable conditionsoutweigh adverse ones.Quoting figures fromthe National Bureau ofStatistics, Wang said sales of food firmsalready increased by 28.3per cent year on year to reach 838.31billion yuan (US$101 billion)between January and July.The goodperformance is attributable tothe countrys enhanced efforts tobolster the agricultural sectorsexpansion, particularly supportingfood processors, Wang said. Inaddition, food firms have reactedand adapted themselves to matchmarket demands.The appalling foodpoisoning cases earlier thisyear, in particular the fake milkpowder scandal which led to 13deaths and the malnutrition of 189babies in Anhuis Fuyang, haveprompted food producers to give toppriority to food safety andnutrition, Wang said.The robust demandsof consumers for safe foodwill in turn propel them to improvequality control and develop ona secure and sustainable footing, hesaid.As to food trade, ZhangBingzheng, an officer of the GeneralAdministration of Customs,said on Friday the country exportedUS$10.69 billion worth of foodproducts between January and July, upby 7.7 per cent over the sameperiod last year, according toZhang.Imports, however, soared by50.6 per cent year on year to hitUS$11.47 billion, producing aUS$780 million deficit.(ChinaDaily)


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