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HK, Guangdong to launch joint funding scheme

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年09月08日 08:27 商务部网站

  The governments of the Hong Kong Special AdministrativeRegion(HKSAR) and Guangdong Province announced Monday the launch ofajoint funding scheme.The scheme aims at supporting researchanddevelopment projects in six key technology areas.Under thescheme,the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science andTechnology andthe Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commissionwill providefunding support to universities, research institutionsand privateenterprises to conduct applied rese
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arch and development(R&D)plans in six technology areas.The six areas are radiofrequencyidentification (RFID) technologies; automotive parts andaccessorysystems; electronic and information technology; newmaterials andfine chemical processing; critical precisionmanufacturingequipment; and new energy and energy-savingrelatedtechnologies.These technology areas are relevant to theneeds ofthe industry and will enhance economic development in theGreaterPearl River Delta (PRD) region.Speaking at a pressconference, HongKong Commissioner for Innovation and TechnologyAnthony Wong saidthe governments of the HKSAR and GuangdongProvince agreed at theSeventh Plenary of the Hong Kong/GuangdongCo-operation JointConference on Aug. 4 this year to strengthentechnologyco-operation and drew up a plan for co-operation tofacilitate theeffective development and upgrading of industries inthe GreaterPRD region.Under the plan, there will be three mainfields of co-operation, namely promoting the development oftechnology areas ofmutual interest; jointly establishing R&Dplatforms; andorganizing seminars on selected topics, saidWong.(Xinhua)


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