肯尼亚管道公司水泵站工程招标资格预审邀请 | |||||||||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年09月02日 08:49 商务部网站 | |||||||||
肯尼亚管道公司邀请工程公司参加在内瓦沙莫兰大泵站(Morendat Pumping Station)的工程部标。 工程包括: 1、Supply and install 1 no. borehole pump rated at 25m3/againstatotal head
2、Complete construction of ground level concrete tank withacapacity of 100m3. The concrete roof of the tankisoutstanding. 3、Prepare the remaining foundations(2No.) for the high levelsteeltank with a storage capacity of 58m3. 4、Supply and install the high level steel tank includingasuitable 20m high steel tower and other necessary accessories. 5、Supply and install a booster pump rated at 4 litres persecondagainst a head of 32m including all necessaryaccessories. 6、Supply and install about 500m of galvanized mild steelpipeworkwith associated fittings, diameters ranging from 50 to100mm. 7、Supply and install fluoride removal equipment rated at arawwater flow of 1.7 litres per second.. 8、Supply and install chlorination facilities includingnecessaryhousing unit for equipment and chemicals. 9、Construct pump house. 10、Supply and install all necessary electrical cables,switchgearand control systems at the pump house to suit thewholeinstallation. 只有在肯尼亚注册的并在肯尼亚水力资源、管理和发展部登记准予开展的F类工程(水利、排污、电机工程)的公司以及在公路和公共工程部登记准予开展的C类工程工程承包公司才有资格申请参加此次竞标。 现对此次招标进行资格核准,申请者需满足下列条件: 1.承包者需具备民用水利供应工程的经验 2.承包公司需在最近3年内营业额达到1千万肯尼亚先令。 有意者可到Chief SuppliesOfficer;Nairobi Terminal IndustrialArea领取详细的资格预准文件(需交纳1000肯先令资料费,通过最后资格核准的公司需交纳5000肯先令的招标文件费),包括上述内容的公司资格申请文件需在2004年9月23日上午10时送至:TheManagingDirector, Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd, National BankBuilding,P.O.Box 73442,Nairobi. 并放到National Bank Building 第12层的任一个竞标箱中。 截止日期当天上午将在National BankBuilding第13层该公司的会议室公开开封,请有兴趣的资格申请者界时参加。 公司保留接受或拒绝任何公司的资格预审的权利,并可不作任何解释。÷ (信息来源:中国对外承包工程商会) |