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Wen calls for support of non-State business

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年08月31日 16:14 商务部网站

  To encourage, support and guide the development ofnon-Statebusiness is important for building a well-off society andto speedup modernization in China, Premier Wen Jiabao said.He spokewithprivate entrepreneurs during an inspection tour in EastChinasZhejiang Province over the weekend. Wen visited villagesandenterprises in Taizhou, Wenzhou and Hangzhou.Wen reiteratedthatthe basic economic system in China involves public-ownership asthemain body, while other business patterns
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aredevelopedcommonly.Public-ownership should be consolidated anddevelopedunshakably, and non-State business encouraged, supported,andguided steadfastly as well, he said.Wen proposedseveralsuggestions to enhance a healthy development ofnon-Statebusinesses.- The centers and interest of non-Stateenterprisesshould be protected according to the law, while suchenterprisesshould do business legally, pay taxes according to thelaw, andguarantee their employees centers and interests.- Policiesthatencourage, support and guide the development ofnon-Statebusinesses are to be made while non-State enterprisesshouldcarefully implement national industrial policies,environmentalprotection policies and other policies.- The Statewill create afair market environment for non-State enterprises andfurther widenthe entranceotnithe market while non-Stateenterprises shouldconsciously abide by market rules.- The Statewill make it easierfor the financing of non-State enterprises whilebusinesses should,according to national regulations,maintain theirfinancial affairsand funds management in goodpuorgin thefinancial markets.- Thereshould be public support for thedevelopment of non-Statebusinesses in society while non-Stateenterprises should upgrade byinnovation so that they win theconfidence of society by productsand services of goodquality.(China Daily)


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