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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年08月31日 08:56 商务部网站

  招标时间:2004年8月30日招标单位:塞拉利昂教育部招标内容:非洲发展银行援助项目修建校舍截止日期:2004年10月14日正文如下:INVITATIONFORBIDS (IFB)SABABU EDUCATION PROJECTNational CompetitivebiddingDate:August 30, 2004-8-30Contract Identification number:210015006965ADBLoan Number: 2100155001864IDA Grant Number:H02200SLProject Name:GOSL/ADB/Education Project1. The Governmentof Sierra Leone hasreceived a loan and a grant from the AfricanDevelopment Fund and agrant from the Inter
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national developmentAssociation towards thecost of GOSL/ADB/IDA/Education Project andintends to apply part ofthe funds to cover the eligible paymentsunder the Contract forcivil Works in Kono District.2. The WorldVision Sierra Leone onbehalf of the Ministry of Education Scienceand Technology invitessealed bids for the Construction of thefollowing:Lot NoLocationSchool Towns Chiefdom Detion of Civil WorkAmount of Bidsecurity Completion PeriodKEDC Primary School Taylor(a)Construction of 1 No. Three classroom block with officeandstoreKEDC Primary School Wama (b) Construction of 1 NoClassroomblock with office and store(c) Construction of 1 No Threeclassroomblock5,500.006 Months6 UMC Primary Bansasuma (d) Classroomof 1 NoThree classroom block with office and storeSoga BrewaMemorialSecondary School Njabwema (e) Rehabilitation of 1 No FourclassroomBlock(f) Construction of 1 No Three classroom blockTeidu(a)Construction of 1 No Three classroom block with office andstore(b)Construction of 1 No Three classroom block(c) Constructionof 1 NoThree classroom block with office and store. 4.000.0007Evangelicalmodel Primary School Louama Sao (d) Construction of 1 NoThreeClassroomBidders may quote for one or more Lots. Biddersquotingfor an incomplete lot will be considered non-responsive.Completionperiod beyond 6 months is not acceptable.3. Biddingdocument (andadditional copies) may be obtained at the ChildProtectionProgramme (CPP) Sector Office, World Vision Sierra Leone,39A-CFreetown Road, Lumley; or World Vision (Sierra Leone)Office,Massimgbi Road, koekoyima, Kono Sierra Leone upon submissionof awritten request. Interested bidders may obtain furtherinformationat the same office for a non refundable fee ofLe150,000.004. Bidsshall be valid for a period of 120 days afterBid Opening and mustbe accompanied by security as indicated in theabove Table.5. Bidsshall be delivered to World Vision (SierraLeone) Office, MassimgbiRoad Koekoyima, Kono, Sierra Leone on orbefore 10:00am October 14,2004, at which time they will be openedat the same place in thepresence of the bidders who wish toattend.Bid Security shall be inthe form of Bank Guarantee.


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