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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年08月23日 19:19 商务部网站

  招标时间:2004年8月18日招标单位:塞拉利昂卫生部招标内容:世界银行援助健康恢复与发展项目采购台式电脑、电脑外设、办公设备、办公家具和发电机各若干截止日期:2004年9月14日正文如下:InvitationforBids (FIB)Sierra LeoneHealth Sector Reconstruction andDevelopmentProjectH210-SLProcurement of Computer andAccessories,Officeequipment and officeFurnitureHSRDP/NCB/01/04.1.ThisInvitation for Bids follows theGeneral Procurement Notice for thisproject that appeared inDevelopment Business,
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issue no. 601 of28th February 2003.2.TheGovernment of Sierra Leone has received acredit from theInternational Development Association (IDA) towardsthe cost of theHealth Sector Reconstruction and DevelopmentProject and it intendsto apply part of the proceeds of this creditto payments under theContract for the supply of Computers andAccessories, officeequipment and Office Furniture.3.The Ministryof Health andsanitation now invites sealed Bids from eligible andqualifiedbidders for the supply of ;Lot 1: Desktop ComputersLot 2:ComputerAccessoriesLot 3: Office EquipmentLot 4 OfficeFurnitureLot 5:Electric Generator4.Bidding will be conductedthrough the NationalCompetitive bidding (NCB) procedures specifiedin the World bank’sGuidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans andIDA Credits, and isopen to all Bidders from Eligible SourceCountries as defined in theGuidelines.5.Interested eligiblebidders may obtain furtherinformation form the ProcurementManager, Ministry of Health andSanitation, 4th Floor, YouyiBuilding on email address:kuyh@sierratel.sl and inspect theBidding Document at the addressgiven below (1) from between 9:00hours on weekdays.6.Qualifications requirements include: biddersmust havedemonstrate five years experience in the manufacturinganddistribution of similar goods and must have executed twosimilarcontracts in the last five years preferably in Sierra Leoneor WestAfrican Country. If an Agent submits bids on behalf of morethan onemanufacture, unless each such bid is accompanied by a setebid fromeach bid, and bid security for each bid and andauthorization fromthe respective manufacture, all such bids shallbe considered as nonresponsive. A margin of preference foreligible national contractorsshall not be applied. Additionaldetails are provided in the BiddingDocuments.7.A complete set ofbidding Document in English may bepurchased by interested bidderson the submission of a writtenApplication to the address below (1)and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee $100 or its equivalent inLeone Currency. The methodof payment will be cash or banktelegraphic transferotniAccountNo. SIA 1010674 Sierra LeoneCommercial Bank, Siaka Steven Street,SWIFT Code SLCBSLFR.Thedocument will be hand delivered to biddersor their representativesor sent by courier services at the bidder’scost.8.Bid must bedelivered to the address blow (1) at or before12:00 hours on 14thSeptr 2004. Electronic bidding will not bepermitted. Late bidswill be rejected. Bids will be opened in thepresence of thebidders’ representatives who choose to attend inperson at theaddress below (2) at 12:00 hours on 14th Septr 2004.All bids mustbe accompanied by a bid Security of $5000 per lot oran equivalentamount in a freely convertible currency.9.The address(es) referredto above is (are):The Procurement Manger,Ministry ofHealth andSanitationRM E 4TH Floor, Youyi BuildingFreetown,SierraLeone,Email: kuyh@sierratel.slTel: 232 22 242234 Fax: 23222235044(2)The Conference RoomMinistry of Health andSanitationRMM406 4TH Floor, Youyi BuildingFreetown, SierraLeone


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