INDUSTIRAL CRYSTAL CORP.寻找中国合作伙伴 | |||||||||
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| 2004年08月14日 05:08 商务部网站 | |||||||||
As one of the large international trading firms, weareinterestedto export electronic parts and other alliedproducts tochina.Wewould be most grateful if you could help us to find anagent and ororganizaiton who could work with us.Industrial CrystalCorp. hasbeen established in 1963 andhas been doing business allover theworld since then.If you need any further information pleasedo nothesitateto contact us.Contact person:R.White,PresidentINDUSTIRALCRYSTAL CORP.2 Park Avenue, N
(信息来源:驻纽约总领馆经商室子站) |