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Three obstacles hinder e-commerce in China

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年08月06日 10:17 商务部网站

  Chinas e-commerce development is hindered by three problems--online payment, existing taxation and logistics service, areportby the Ministry of Commerce says.The report says thedevelopment ofe-commerce also greatly relies on informationtechnology andnetwork establishment, relevant laws, and socialcredibilitysituation.The report made an analysis of the threeobstacles.Online payment plays a key role in e-commerce, and asafe,convenient, and efficient online payment system is
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essential.However, safety authentication, one of the main componentof onlinepayment system, is inadequate in China.Although many bankshavealready set up their own financial authentication centres,therelacks a unitive and authoritative nationwide authenticationcentre,leading to many cases of cross authentication,repeatedauthentication and a waste of resources.Besides, due to thelack oflegal protection in this field, arbitration andliabilitycognizance are difficult when disputes arise. In addition,theefficiency of online payment in China is still low:paymentvalidation from the bank takes a long time (about 10 days),thecharge is too high (5 per cent service fee of creditcardstransaction), and there are too many restrictions. All thesehinderthe development of e-commerce in China.Second is the problemin theexisitng taxation. While e-commerce is a brand new type ofbusinessmode differing from the traditional one, China has no taxruletargeting e-commerce trade. The report urged the governmenttodraft relevant laws so as to ensure the healthy developmentofe-commerce in the future.In fact, countries with differenteconomiclevels should have different taxation towards e-commerce.Forexample, e-commerce businesses, digital products andinternetaccess are tax-free in the United States, while theEuropean Unionpractices a clear and neutral taxation system bycollecting valueadded tax only from e-commerce businesses.Third isthe limitationin the logistics system. Among the corporationsproviding logisticservices for e-commerce business in China, some1,000 aretraditional ones and their service quality is not goodenough;therefore, the need to provide a speedy transaction anddeliveryregardless of space and distance can hardly befulfilled.The reportsuggested that the government should take anactive role inencouraging and supporting the e-commerce oftradtionalcorporations. Besides, it also emphasized the businessnature ofe-commerce, and warned that e-commerce business activitiescannotbe done by simply building networks.(China Daily)


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