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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年08月03日 18:25 新浪财经

  Amitav Acharya, Nanyang Technological University

  Professor of Defence and Strategic Studies

  Deputy Director and Head of Research, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies of Singapore

  Senior Fellow of the Asia Pacific Policy Program of the John F. Kennedy of Government at Harvard

  Peter Buck, Harvard University

  Senior Lecturer of History of Science

  Director of Studies, Department of the History of Science

  Christine Chaigne, Renmin University and Aix-Marseilles III University

  Visiting Professor of European Law, Renmin University

  Associate Professor, School of Law and Political Science, Aix-Marseilles III Universit

  Mau-Kuei Chang, Academia Sinica, Taipei

  Research Fellow

  Deputy Director, Institute of Sociology

  Adjunct Professor of Sociology Graduate Institute of Sociology at Tsing-Hua University,

  Chen Jian, University of Virginia

  C. K. Yen Professor of Chinese American Relations at the Miller Center of Public Affairs

  Professor of History

  Christopher Cullen, Cambridge University

  Director of the Needham Research Institute

  Affiliated Research Scholar of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science

  Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Vishakha Desai, Asia Society


  Lowell Dittmer, University of California at Berkeley

  Professor of Political Science

  Akiko Domoto, Japan

  Governor of Chiba Prefecture

  Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University

  Professor of Government

  Chair of the Committee on Degrees in Social Studies

  Joseph Fewsmith, Boston University

  Professor of International Relations and Political Science

  Director of the East Asia Interdisciplinary Studies Program

  Research associate of the John King Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies at Harvard University

  Ellen Brennan-Galvin, United Nations

  Chief of the Population Policy Section of the United Nations Population Division

  Lecturer and Senior Research Scholar at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

  Yuan Goangming, Artist

  Han Sung-joo, Korea Ambassador to the United States

  Jude Howell, London School of Economics

  Director of the Centre for Civil Society

  Professor of Social Policy

  C. Stephen Hsu, Chinese University of Political Science and Law

  Professor of Law

  Fellow at the China Law Center, Yale Law School

  Paul S.P. Hsu, Phycos, Inc.

  Chief Executive Officer

  Byungkook Kim, Korea University

  Professsor of Political Science

  Director of the East Asia Institute

  Ralph I. Straus Visiting Professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard

  Yung-Sik Kim, Seoul National University

  Professor of Chemistry

  Director, Interdicsiplinary Program in History and Philosophy of Science

  Adjunct Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science

  Anthony D. King, SUNY-Binghamton

  Bartle Professor of Art History

  Paul Kratoska, Singapore National University

  Associate Professor of History

  David M. Lampton, Johns Hopkins University

  George and Sadie Hyman Professor of China Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

  Director of Chinese Studies at The Nixon Center

  President Emeritus, National Committee on United States-China Relations

  Congjie Liang, Friends of Nature, Beijing, China

  Founder and President

  Xie Liangzhi, Sinocell Inc.

  President and Chief Executive Officer

  Sheri Liao Xiaoyi, Global Village of Beijing

  Founder and President

  Vincent Lo, Shui On Holdings Ltd.


  Yong-Tu Long, The BOAO Forum for Asia

  Secretary General

  Yingpan Manasikarn, Thailand

  Minister of Science

  Richard Marshall, EDAW

  Senior Associate and Urban Designer

  Gregory G.H. Miao, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom


  H. Lyman Miller, Hoover Institution and Naval Postgraduate School

  Research Fellow, Hoover Institution

  Associate Professor of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School

  Kunihiko Miyake, Japan

  Japan’s Representative to the Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad, Iraq

  Setsuo Miyazawa, Omiya Law School

  Vice-President of Omiya Law School

  Formerly Professor of Law, Waseda University

  Michael Moser, Freshfields


  Ryoji Noyori, Nagoya University

  Professor of Chemistry

  2001 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

  Susan Pharr, Harvard University

  Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics

  Director, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations

  Acting Director of the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies

  Anthony Reid, Singapore National University

  Professor of History

  Director of the Asia Research Insitute

  Andrew Roberston, Fletcher Spaght Consultants


  Robert Ross, Boston College

  Profesor Department of Political Science

  Research Associate of the John King Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard

  Member of the Council on Foreign Relations

  Naoki Sakai, Cornell University

  Professor of Asian Studies and Comparative Literature

  Lester Salamon, John Hopkins University

  Founding Director and Principal Research Scientist, Institute for Policy Studies

  Director, Center for Civil Society Studies

  Professor of Political Science

  Jacques Schmitt, Unaxis Inc.

  Global Chief Technology Officer

  Leon Sigal, Social Science Research Council

  Director of the Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project

  Alan G. Schiffman, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom


  Andre Sorensen, University of Toronto

  Assistant Professor of Urban Planning

  Jonathan Stone, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom


  Akio Takahara, Rikkyo University

  Associate Professor, Faculty of Law

  Simon Tay, Singapore Institute of International Affairs and National University of Singapore

  Chairman, Singapore Institute of International Affairs

  Professor of International Law, National University of Singapore

  Nominated Member of the Singapore Parliament

  Christopher To, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre

  Secretary General

  Wei-Ming Tu, Harvard University

  Harvard Yenching Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy and of Confucian Studies

  Director Harvard Yenching Institute

  Ezra Vogel, Harvard University

  Henry Ford II Research Professor in the Social Sciences

  Wan E-Xiang, People's Republic of China

  Vice-President, Supreme People’s Court, PRC

  Grand Justice of the Second Rank

  Wang Sheng Chang, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission


  Wang Shenghong, Fudan University


  Benjamin Wood, Wood and Zapata


  Michael Woolcock, World Bank and Harvard University

  Social Scientist with the Development Research Group of the World Bank

  Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard

  Zong Yan, World Bank

  Tranportation Specialist

  Dae-kyu Yoon, Kyungnam University

  Vice-Director, the Institute for Far Eastern Studies

  Professor of Law and South-North Relations

  Nicholas Young, China Development Brief


  Wu Yue, Shanghai Municipal Government

  Chief Planner, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

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