You cannot fault Thomas
Malone for lack of ambition. In The Future of Work, the
psychologist-turned-management-professor declares that the corporate world
is on the cusp of a "fundamental and predictable change" that
may be "as important to business as the shift to democracy has been
to government".
He claims that companies
based on rigid hierarchy will be consigned to the dustbin of history. In
the brave new world of decentralised organisations, managers will have to
learn to cultivate and co-ordinate, rather than command and control.
Prof Malone, who teaches
everything from leadership to information technology at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management, is not the first to
argue for decentralisation.
Ackoff)的《民主型企业》(The Democratic Corporation, 1994年版)和詹姆斯•布赖恩•奎因(James
Brian Quinn)的《智能型企业》(Intelligent Enterprise, 1992)等著作都曾倡导极端分权型的组织。
Russell Ackoff's The
Democratic Corporation (1994) and James Brian Quinn's Intelligent
Enterprise (1992) are among the books that have advanced the case for
radically decentralised organisations.
A large body of evidence
attests to the fact that organisational performance improves when members
are invited to offer initiative and commitment, not just compliance.
But the argument offered
here is uniquely grand. Not only are decentralised organisations more
efficient, they are also the inevitable consequence of technological
progress. Deep historical forces are at work.
In the beginning, says
Malone, our ancestors lived as small groups of hunter-gatherers, enjoying
close-knit social bonds and egalitarian decision-making. The high cost of
communication over large distances meant that small groups were the only
feasible form of social organisation.
Then came agriculture, which
allowed people to settle in closer proximity to one another, and writing.
These breakthroughs led to a significant fall in the cost of communication
and, as a direct result, bigger and more complex social organisations.
Thus tribes and kingdoms
replaced hunter-gathering bands. Our ancestors were happy to put up with
rigid hierarchy because these new structures offered benefits such as
military protection.
Then, circa 1450,
Gutenberg's moveable-type printing press led to another steep drop in
communication costs.
In time, this enabled the
rise of democracy, which offers all the economic and security benefits of
scale but with less of the tiresome hierarchy.
And so, in 10 pages, does
Malone explain 12,000 years of socio-economic evolution.
No prizes for guessing what
comes next: companies are about to undergo a similar transformation.
Information technology will enable them to evolve beyond the feudal stage.
Say farewell to the divine right of management.
There are faint echoes here
of Ronald Coase, the great Chicago School economist who used transaction
cost economics to explain the boundaries of the corporation.
Coase said, more or less,
that companies perform tasks internally if it is cheaper than contracting
third parties to do so. This calculation explains where markets stop and
companies begin.
Unlike Coase, however,
Malone focuses not on transaction costs but on communication costs. In
addition, he is interested not only in corporate boundaries but also the
internal structure of organisations.
To be fair, Malone does not
pretend to know exactly how companies will evolve from here.
The majority of The Future
of Work is taken up with examples of organisations that are experimenting
with new management techniques and structure.
Inevitably, the loose
hierarchy of programmers behind Linux, the open source computer operating
system, is cited.
Also present here is BP's
attempt to "bring markets inside" by creating an internal market
for emissions trading, and the quasi-democratic governance structure of
There are also sections on
"business process outsourcing", "process architectures for
interchangeable organisations" and "the deep structure of
business processes".
Why is there this obsession
with process? Strip any company of hierarchy and you are left with nothing
but processes - the flow of work. In the flat, decentralised organisations
of the future, it is argued, the ability to configure and reconfigure
processes will be an important source of competitive advantage.
Hamel)在其《领导革命》(Leading the Revolution, 2000年版)一书中就呼吁企业建立内部创意、资金和人才的市场。
Again, Malone is not the
first to make these points. Gary Hamel's Leading the Revolution (2000)
called on companies to create internal markets for ideas, capital and
Hagel)的《即买即用》(Out of the Box,2002年版)。
Anyone in search of an
exhaustive treatment of the role of technology in enabling loose
"process networks", should turn to John Hagel's Out Of The Box
Future of Work)一著是对分权化管理试验的一个广泛调查,书中有大量创见。即便不看作者的宏大历史分析,我们也会承认,不错,很有理由要朝他说的方向发展。
Still, as a broad survey of
experiments in decentralised management, The Future of Work is packed with
ideas. You do not need to accept the grand historical analysis to see
that, yes, there are good reasons for moving in this direction.