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A moment of your time please

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年04月22日 10:25 新浪财经


美国喜剧艺人杰里•塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld)总是设法搞笑。但在他为美国运通(American Express)所做新网络广告的首映式上,他与新闻界打趣时,却对数字媒体时代广告发展趋势提出了一个非常严肃的观点。

Jerry Seinfeld was trying to be funny. But as he bantered with the press at the premiere of his new internet commercial for American Express, he made a decidedly serious point about the direction of advertising in the age of digital media.

这则广告是一部片长4分钟的“网络剧集”(webisode),由曾获奥斯卡奖的美国电影导演巴里•莱文森(Barry Levinson)执导。在广告中,塞恩菲尔德先生和他的动画搭档超人(Superman)被刻画成两个神经质的纽约人。他们抱怨金枪鱼三明治中的蛋黄酱太多,自己安装了一台DVD播放机,还去观看一场虚构的百老汇音乐喜剧《啊,怀俄明州》(Oh Yes, Wyoming),这部戏滑稽透了。

The advertisement - a four-minute "webisode" directed by Barry Levinson, the Academy Award-winning film-maker - depicts Mr Seinfeld and his animated buddy, Superman, as neurotic New Yorkers. The two complain about excessive mayonnaise in their tuna sandwiches, install a DVD player and attend a fictional Broadway musical comedy - the wickedly camp Oh Yes, Wyoming.


Along the way, Mr Seinfeld and Superman discover the benefits of an American Express card. But the advertising message is delivered quickly and the piece ends with a gag. It is a commercial that feels like something else - a "cinematic" experience in Mr Seinfeld's words - and that is the point.


"This isn't going to be interrupted with commercials," Mr Seinfeld dead- panned last month, "because it is a commercial."


Advertisers are turning to this kind of ironic, indirect marketing approach because they are running scared. The main weapon in their traditional arsenal - the 30-second network television commercial - is losing its punch. Fewer people are watching network television and those that do can fast-forward past the commercials by using digital video recorders.


Many younger people, particularly young men, seem to have abandoned television for computer games or the pleasures of the net - including pornography. Others are "multi-tasking" - using computers and TV at the same time. Delivering marketing messages in the midst of this hubbub is a job worthy of an advertising Superman - or a Mr Seinfeld.

“你不可能指望这些观众粘在椅子上,”Tribal DDB北美地区首席执行官马特•弗里曼(Matt Freeman)说,“你必须创造出一些东西来吸引他们,更多的是要去‘拉’(pull)而不是去‘推’(push)。”Tribal DDB是奥姆尼康(Omnicom)旗下的互动营销机构。

"You can't count on this captive audience just [being] duct-taped to the chair," says Matt Freeman, chief executive of Tribal DDB North America, an interactive marketing agency that is part of Omnicom. "You have to create something that draws them in - which is pull rather than push."

WPP旗下伦敦明略行(Millward Brown)全球媒体评估执行副总裁布赖恩•雅各布(Brian Jacobs)认为,“拦截式营销” "interruptive marketing"时代正让位于某种“允诺式营销”( permission marketing)时代。他表示,广告客户得学习与观众对话。

Brian Jacobs, executive vice-president for global media evaluation at WPP's Millward Brown in London, believes that an era of "interruptive marketing" is giving way to one of "permission marketing". He says advertisers have to learn to engage in conversation.


"Interruptive marketing is all about interrupting people's daily lives by yelling at them from the pages of a newspaper or a television screen. It's all very aggressive: if you yell at them long enough, they will buy to get you to stop."


This new order hardly signals the end of the 30-second network commercial. Advertisers are paying higher prices for US network time even though they are reaching fewer viewers. Network time has what economists call scarcity value.

“这仍是你能获得最多观众的渠道,”WPP旗下奥美广告(Ogilvy & Mather)首席执行官夏兰泽(Shelly Lazarus)说,“所有关于一种媒体将取代另一种媒体的预言都是错误的。”奥美广告制作了上述由塞恩菲尔德先生出演的广告。

"It's still the largest audience you can get," says Shelly Lazarus, chief executive of WPP's Ogilvy & Mather advertising agency, which worked on the commercial starring Mr Seinfeld. "All these predictions of one medium supplanting another are fallacious."


Instead, companies such as American Express are working to marry traditional advertising with new approaches. The campaign featuring Mr Seinfeld, for example, has been designed to test the interaction between internet, TV and "word-of-mouth" advertising.


American Express is running 15-second television commercials that direct viewers to its website. Once there, viewers will be able to find the four-minute feature, outtakes from the filming, the television "teasers" and a replica of Mr Seinfeld's webisode apartment that they can tour with the aid of their computer mouse.

美国运通首席营销官约翰•海斯(John Hayes)表示,公司将对电视广告如何影响其网站上的活动进行测算。公司还能看出,有多少人使用他人提供的链接来观看那部4分钟广告片,这是衡量口头广告影响力的一个指标。

John Hayes, chief marketing officer at American Express, says the company will be measuring how the television advertisements influence activity at its site. The company will also be able to see how many people view the four-minute feature using links supplied by others - a gauge of word-of-mouth impact.

美国运通将在5月发布超人和塞恩菲尔德先生冒险历程的新剧集。在初夏之前,公司将准备调整该广告宣传活动。如果公司发现电视广告能将消费者带到网站上,那它就有可能购买更多的电视广告时间。如果口头传播证明有效,那么美国运通就将投入旨在创造“轰动效应”的病毒式营销(viral marketing)攻势。如果没人真正在意,那美国运通将不得不另觅良策。

American Express will unveil a new episode of the adventures of Superman and Mr Seinfeld in May. By early summer, it will be in a position to adjust the campaign. If it finds TV advertisements are bringing consumers to the site, it might buy more television time. If word-of-mouth proves effective, American Express could engage in viral marketing campaigns designed to create "buzz". If no one really cares, American Express will have to consider something else.


"In the short term, it's about trying and learning," Mr Hayes says. "The results will be critical to where we go next."


American Express will pay particular attention to how consumers respond to its mixture of advertising and entertainment. Advertisers are keen to blur the lines between commercials and other forms of communication, - such as product placement or advertising sections in magazines - but consumer acceptance of these tactics remains in doubt.


"The only way the consumer will tolerate any blending of commercialism and art is if it gives them entertainment," Mr Hayes says. "It's about finding this blend."


The fact that so many internet campaigns are in their early stages makes it hard to predict their ultimate impact on traditional advertising. US Online advertising expenditure soared 38 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2003, but executives who helped route that money say they doubt much of the rise came at the expense of traditional media.

“以我们的经验来看,数字营销(digital marketing)侵蚀传统营销预算的例子非常非常少,”Havas集团子公司Euro RSCG 4D的首席执行官乔治•加拉特(George Gallate)说,“数字营销的效力与传统营销(的效力)一并提高。”

"There are very, very few examples in our experience where digital marketing has cannibalised the traditional marketing budgets," says George Gallate, chief executive of Euro RSCG 4D, which is part of the Havas group. "The effectiveness of the digital marketing goes up with [the] traditional."


Mr Gallate says advertisers are turning to the internet because it gives them a way to deliver targeted messages. He says the same motivation could help certain kinds of newspapers and magazines. "Quality publications benefit because they are going to specific audiences," he says.

要掌握数码时代越来越复杂的营销手段,对广告客户来说会很困难。可供选择的方式多得让人眼花缭乱。例如,随着网络广告费用回升,一些业界高管正在宣传移 动电话的潜力。

The difficulty for advertisers will be in mastering the growing complexity of marketing in the digital age. The number of options is dizzying. As internet advertising spending picks up, for example, some industry executives are touting the potential of cell-phones.


"The 'new' new medium . . . also mass, which is undiscovered, is the other interactive devices that we use every day - phones, for example," says Mr Freeman.


Having more weapons at their disposal hardly means that advertisers will use them well. The internet is an example. The web is an ideal medium for "permission" marketing. But advertisers have triggered a consumer backlash with such obnoxious techniques as pop-up ads and e-mail spam.

“网民将告诉你这整个就是侵扰,”Interpublic旗下广告公司罗威国际(Lowe Worldwide)的媒体董事总经理迈克尔•奈斯(Michael Neiss)说,“如果有人闯进我家,我会叫警察。”

"The internet people will tell you it's all about intrusion," says Michael Neiss, managing media director at Interpublic's Lowe Worldwide advertising agency. "If I have an intruder in my home, I call the cops."

Group M负责WPP的媒体规划业务,公司首席执行官欧文•戈特利布(Irwin Gotlieb)表示,广告客户也得抗拒诱惑,不要变得聪明过头:将特殊信息过于精确地瞄准消费者。“究竟精确性多大才实用,我们必须抱现实的态度,”他说,“如果要到买得起奔驰车时,你才第一次听说有这种车,那就太晚了。”

Advertisers will also have to avoid the temptation of getting too cute - targeting consumers too precisely with particular messages, says Irwin Gotlieb, chief executive of GroupM, which manages WPP's media planning operations. "We have to be realistic about how much precision is practical," he says. "If the first time you heard about a Mercedes was when you could afford one, it would be too late."


Ultimately, marketing services companies will have to be careful with their own time. There is a risk in managing greater complexity: companies might wind up doing more work to make the same money. Making advertising more entertaining for consumers, in other words, could wind up making life less fun for the people who put together marketing campaigns.





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