week's gathering of Eurotunnel shareholders, which threw out the company's
board, was more of a mass rally than an annual meeting. Thousands of
shareholders jeered the directors and chanted the name of their hero
Nicolas Miguet - the share-tipping journalist and convicted fraudster who
led their revolt.
Le Pen)在总统大选第一轮总统选举中得票仅次于雅克•希拉克(Jacques
journalist from Les Echos, the Financial Times's French sister paper,
likened the annual meeting to a revolutionary tribunal. Another called the
occasion "capitalism's April 21", a reference to the day in 2002
when Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the extreme-right National Front,
shocked France and the world by coming second to Jacques Chirac in the
first round of the presidential election.
noted how much Mr Miguet's tactics resembled an electoral campaign.
"It's a bit of an occult movement which seeks to pitch poor against
rich, the weak against the strong in more of a political campaign way
rather than a business one," a corporate governance specialist told
the FT.
Watts)赶下皇家荷兰/壳牌(Royal Dutch/Shell)董事长的席位,以及43%的股东投票反对迈克尔•艾斯纳(Michael
Eisner)连任沃尔特迪斯尼(Walt Disney)的董事长。
a revolt on this scale by small shareholders was unprecedented in France,
there have been many more investor uprisings in other countries, from the
ousting of Sir Philip Watts as chairman of Royal Dutch/Shell to the vote
by 43 per cent of shareholders against the reappointment of Michael Eisner
as head of Walt Disney.
little over a year ago, I was invited to talk to a group of newly
appointed company directors about the workings of the press. One of the
directors asked why he should ever speak to the media. I conceded that
some of the most successful corporate leaders never did. Most of the
outstanding chief executives profiled in Good to Great, Jim Collins's
best-selling business book, did not give interviews.
I to answer the director's question now, I would say that not speaking is
probably inadvisable in this age of shareholder activism. Much of the
investor fury against Sir Philip resulted from his failure to appear in
person to explain Shell's reduction in its declared oil and gas reserves.
Chief executives need to be as alert to the changing attitudes towards
them, and as ready to address them, as any president or prime minister.
Mattinson)寄给我的一篇论文的启发。她是Opinion Leader
Trayner)合撰,并已在上月市场研究协会(Market Research
had been pondering the growing similarity between corporate and political
life even before the Eurotunnel revolt, prompted by a paper my friend
Deborah Mattinson, co-founder of Opinion Leader Research, sent me. The
paper, which she wrote with Graeme Trayner, a director of the research
company, and delivered at the annual conference of the Market Research
Society last month, argued that just as politicians were increasingly
required to behave like business managers - measuring their success
against performance targets - so business people increasingly had to
behave like politicians.
Clinton)的顾问迪克•莫里斯(Dick Morris)说,政客必须天天赢得“多数票”。
paper argued that politicians felt it was no longer sufficient to present
their case to voters every four or five years. They had to campaign
constantly to win support for their policies. Dick Morris, an adviser to
Bill Clinton, said politicians had to win a "daily majority".
permanent campaign has now become very much the norm in contemporary
politics and is particularly associated with the emergence of New Labour
in the UK and the political approaches of the Clinton and Bush II
administrations in the US," the paper said.
leaders - such as Jean-Pierre Garnier, the GlaxoSmithKline chief, under
fire over his pay - were finding themselves permanently campaigning, too.
Like politicians, corporate leaders operated in an environment of popular
scepticism and mistrust. Also like politicians, they faced an increasingly
dissatisfied and demanding electorate. The politicians' electorate was the
voters; the business leaders' was made up of consumers, campaigning
organisations and shareholders.
valid is the paper's comparison between politics and the boardroom?
Although the oft-cited tenure of the average chief executive - four years
- matches the electoral cycle of many democracies, chief executives in
recent months have found they are even less secure than politicians.
International)董事长布莱克勋爵(Lord Black)已被赶下台,被罢黜的速度比任何政客都要快。不受欢迎的政客通常能把自己的位子保到下一次选举,除非是极其少见的情况,如加州州长格雷•戴维斯(Gray
Philip and Lord Black, the head of Hollinger International, have been
thrown out more quickly than any politician would have been. Unpopular
politicians usually keep their jobs until the next election, except in
rare cases such as Gray Davis, California's governor, who was dismissed
after a recall election last year.
the other hand, the corporate leaders have an easier task in one respect:
they can talk to their detractors more directly. Although the paper sees
the challenge to business leaders as coming from activists, consumers and
shareholders, it is only shareholders who exercise real power over chief
have hurt companies: European shoppers' refusal to countenance genetically
modified food did huge damage to Monsanto. Campaigners caused Shell
problems over its Brent Spar oil platform and its Nigerian operations, and
embarrassed Nike over its contractors' factories. But Nike suffered little
financial harm over the sweatshop campaign. And some argue that Shell
spent so much time trying to make itself acceptable to campaigners that it
ignored investors.
executives used to justify everything, from factory closures to their pay
and share options, by saying their principal responsibility was to
shareholders - secure in the knowledge that shareholders would do little
to control them. That has changed. It was the small shareholders who did
the damage at Eurotunnel. In most companies it is the large pension,
insurance and investment funds that hold most of the votes. They are easy
enough to find and talk to.
he was deposed, Lord Black said of his shareholders: "They can't do
much about me." Others are unlikely to make the same mistake. But it
is not a good idea to wait for the annual meeting. Chief executives need
to court their shareholders as assiduously as politicians court voters.