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It is time for a new generation of finance ministers

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年04月08日 17:43 新浪财经



First Spain, now France. Two March elections have changed the political landscape in Europe. Expect the biggest change of all in the field of economic policy. The eurozone's finance ministers are political lightweights with no sense of leadership. It was their wait-and-see attitude that contributed to low economic growth over the last three years. It also triggered the collapse of the stability and growth pact, the set of rules that govern economic policy co-ordination in the eurozone.

法国和西班牙分别任命两位重量级人物担任财政部长,但这也许还不能令天平朝有利于产生良好政治领袖的方向倾斜。但这是一个开端。在法国,前内政部长尼古拉•萨尔科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)将执掌财政部并负责工业政策。他的前任弗朗西斯•梅尔(Francis Mer)原是个商人,没有任何政治影响力。萨尔科奇先生则不同,他是有抱负的。有人暗示说,他将成为2007年总统大选的候选人。鉴于法国错综复杂的国家政治,他甚至可能不会在贝尔西(Bercy)的财政部久留。但是无论发生什么,他至少先要尽力把当前的工作做成功。

The appointment of two heavy-hitters as finance ministers in France and Spain may not yet tip the balance in favour of sound political leadership. But it is a start. In France, Nicolas Sarkozy, previously interior minister, will run the finance ministry and will also be responsible for industrial policy. Unlike his predecessor, Francis Mer, a former businessman with no political clout, Mr Sarkozy has ambitions. He is tipped as a candidate for the 2007 presidential elections. Given the intricacies of French national politics, he may not even stay at the Bercy, the French finance ministry, for long. But whatever happens, he will at least have to try to make a success of his current job first.

现任欧盟经济政策事务专员的佩德罗•索尔韦斯(Pedro Solbes)将成为西班牙新任财政部长,他是倡导稳定公约改革的人士中呼声最高的一个。同样,索尔韦斯先生也不会是个简单的财政部长。西班牙新任首相何塞•路易斯•罗德里格斯•萨巴特罗(Jose Luis Rodryguez Zapatero)已选择将宏观经济与微观经济政策并入一个强大的经济部门。

Spain's new finance minister will be Pedro Solbes, currently European commissioner in charge of economic policy, and one of the most vocal proponents of reform of the stability pact. Mr Solbes, too, will not be a simple finance minister. The new Spanish prime minister, Jose Luis Rodryguez Zapatero, has opted to merge macroeconomic and microeconomic policy into a powerful economics department.

欧洲国家的财长在上世纪70年代一度很强势,当时诸如瓦莱里•吉斯卡尔•德斯坦(Valery Giscard d'Estaing)和赫尔穆特•施密特(Helmut Schmidt)这样的政治家担当财长之职。但继任者的影响力日趋衰微。如今,货币政策已落入一个独立的、有时无济于事的欧洲央行手中,而大部分政府支出已成为“非自由支配”支出,也就是说不受财长的直接控制。

Europe's finance ministers used to be powerful in the 1970s, when politicians such as Val閞y Giscard d'Estaing and Helmut Schmidt occupied those posts. But their successors have gradually lost influence. Monetary policy is now in the hands of an independent - and at times unhelpful - European Central Bank, while large parts of government spending have become "non-discretionary", meaning outside the finance ministers' direct control.


Failure to solve economic problems is the main reason why the French electorate has regularly ejected incumbent governments over the past 20 years. All these governments can do is enact unpopular structural reforms and risk electoral defeat in the process.


So what can Mr Sarkozy do differently? On a purely national level, not much. He is widely judged to be an economic liberal in the European sense of the word: in favour of lower taxes and less regulation. The point is that to reduce taxes, he would have to incur lower expenditure, or improve spending efficiency, or be prepared to accept a higher deficit. The first is political suicide for a man with his political ambitions, the second is wishful thinking, and the third option is constrained by the stability pact. If Mr Sarkozy and Mr Solbes revert to business as usual, they will fail just as their predecessors did.


This is why, to fulfil their economic promises, they will need to play a larger role on the European stage. Since the start of economic and monetary union (Emu) in 1999, national governments have not had the tools to realise their promises to reduce unemployment and increase growth. These tools are now located at the European level, where they have been lying unused. Emu has created a policy vacuum waiting to be filled.


What could finance ministers do differently at the European level? They could co-ordinate fiscal policy in a constructive way that goes beyond simply accusing each other of running excessive deficits. They could also ask the central bank to take part in a formal process of fiscal and monetary co-operation. They may even take the view that they, rather than the ECB, should set an inflation target. They could formulate an exchange-rate policy for the euro. As ministers for economics and industry, they could work together on macro- and microeconomic policy. At present, the inflexible rules of the stability pact discourage structural reform that costs money in the short run - such as pensions reform.


The success of economic policy in the eurozone and in each of its member states will depend on whether this next generation of powerful finance ministers dares to show the political leadership lacking in the past.

电子邮件: wolfgang.munchau@ft.com






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