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新浪首页 > 财经纵横 > 滚动新闻 > 中国金融开放与商业银行改革论坛 > 正文
Financial and Commercial Bank Reform Forum

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年03月24日 14:07 国务院发展研究中心金融研究所


  Financial Research Institute

  Development Research Center (DRC) of The State Council of P. R. China

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  In Association with:

  State Research Consulting, DRC NET


  China Economic Times

  China Business Post



  Under the background of financial liberalization, this conference brought together leading Chinese state-owned commercial banks, shareholding banks, city commercial banks and foreign financial institutions to discuss the diverse opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in the dynamic Chinese commercial banks’reform starting from 2004. Discussion will be centered on how the Chinese commercial banks introduce outside ownership and management, enhance internal control, improve risk management, develop financial innovation, design scientific incentives and strengthen e-banking capabilities, all of which will help Chinese commercial banks to become modern banking corporations and to cement long-term growth prospects. Foreign financial institutions will also receive an up-to-date assessment on how to explore and grasp the opportunities to be realized in this unprecedented reform. This meeting provides a comprehensive forum, aiming to exchange ideas, enhance cooperation and establish a network among various financial institutions.

  Meeting Time:

  April 17-18th 2004 (Registration at Presidential Plaza Beijing on 16th all day)


  Presidential Plaza Beijing(STATE GUST HOTELS)

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