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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年03月24日 13:29 博鳌论坛

  Bo'ao Forum for Asia

  2004 Annual Conference

  Sponsorship Package

  Prepared by BFA Secretariat


  Levels of Sponsorship include:

  Diamond Conference S ponsor : On ly On e Available @ US$ 30 0,000

  •15 complimentary delegates pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges)

  •5 work Pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges, and no access to key sessions)

  •President/CEO's addressing the Plenary Session (if appropriate)

  •Banquet and Show (24 April), or Panel/luncheon Sponsorship

  •P ropose T opic for sponsored Panel before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •Propose Speakers for sponsored Panel before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •Involvement in the program development of AC 2004 before Jan.31,2004

  •Photo opportunity with Chinese government leader (one pass only)

  (if possible)

  •Access to and Preferred Seating at VIP rece pt ion where prominent heads of state from China and the other 2 5 member countries are present (two passes only )

  •On e-on- On e meeting with select ed ministers attending AC 2004 (subject to minister' s availability and acce pt ance)

  •Corporate Name or Logo on Conference Handbook

  •2 page Corporate Intro or Advert on Conference Handbook

  •Corporate Name or Logo on BFA Website

  •Free Hyper Link on BFA Website to your Website

  •Acknowledgement on AC 2004 Print Media Sponsor publication (subject to BFA arrangement)

  •Event Photo on after conference publication

  •Recommend journalists attending BFA AC2004

  •Logo Acknowledgement at Plenary Session at International Conference Center (ICC)

  •Prominent Logo Acknowledgement at ICC

  •Booth at ICC (size & locale subject to BFA arrangement) (booth at Sponsor's own cost)

  •Company literature and giveaway in Sponsor's Exhibition Area at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway at your sponsored session

  •VIP Rece pt ion arrangement for your Head of Delegation

  •Limo service for your Head of Delegation between HaiKou Airport and Boao

  •15 complementary copies of after-conference publication

  •Thank-You Letter from BFA after the conference

  •Photo or Video of your sponsored session at AC 2004

  Should you have other preferences please feel free to discuss with us

  Platinum Conference S ponsor : On ly Two Available @ US$ 25 0,000

  •10 complimentary delegates pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges)

  •4 work Pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges, and no access to key sessions)

  •Panel/luncheon Sponsorship

  •President/CEO's addressing your Sponsored Session

  •P ropose T opic for sponsored Panel before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •Propose Speakers for sponsored Panel before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •Involvement in the program development of AC 2004 before Jan.31,2004

  •Photo opportunity with Chinese government leader (one pass only)

  (if possible)

  •Access to and Preferred Seating at VIP rece pt ion where prominent heads of state from China and the other 2 5 member countries are present ( one passes only )

  •On e-on- On e meeting with select ed ministers attending AC 2004 (subject to minister' s availability and acce pt ance)

  •Corporate Name or Logo on Conference Handbook

  •2 page Corporate Intro or Advert on Conference Handbook

  •Corporate Name or Logo on BFA Website

  •Free Hyper Link on BFA Website to your Website

  •Acknowledgement on AC 2004 Print Media Sponsor publication (subject to BFA arrangement)

  •Event Photo on after conference publication

  •Recommend journalists attending BFA AC2004 ( four passes only)

  •Logo Acknowledgement at Plenary Session at International Conference Center (ICC)

  •Prominent Logo Acknowledgement at ICC

  •Booth at ICC (size & locale subject to BFA arrangement) (booth at Sponsor's own cost)

  •Company literature and giveaway in Sponsor's Exhibition Area at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway at your sponsored session

  •VIP Rece pt ion arrangement for your Head of Delegation

  •Limo service for your Head of Delegation between HaiKou Airport and Boao

  •10 complementary copies of after-conference publication

  •Thank-You Letter from BFA after the conference

  •Photo or Video of your sponsored session at AC 2004

  Should you have other preferences please feel free to discuss with us

  Gold Conference S ponsor : On ly Three Available @ US$ 15 0,000

  •5 complimentary delegates pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges)

  •3 work Pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges, and no access to key sessions)

  •Panel/Round-table Sponsorship

  •President/CEO's addressing your Sponsored Session

  •P ropose T opic for sponsored session before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •Propose Speakers for sponsored session before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •photo opportunity with Chinese government leader (one pass only)

  (if possible)

  •Access to and Preferred Seating at VIP rece pt ion where prominent heads of state from China and the other 2 5 member countries are present ( one passes only )

  •On e-on- On e meeting with select ed ministers attending AC 2004 (subject to minister' s availability and acce pt ance)

  •Corporate Name or Logo on Conference Handbook

  •1 page Corporate Intro or Advert on Conference Handbook

  •Corporate Name or Logo on BFA Website

  •Free Hyper Link on BFA Website to your Website

  •Acknowledgement on AC 2004 Print Media Sponsor publication (subject to BFA arrangement)

  •Event Photo on after conference publication

  •Recommend journalists attending BFA AC2004 (two passes only)

  •Logo Acknowledgement at Plenary Session at International Conference Center (ICC)

  •Prominent Logo Acknowledgement at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway in Sponsor's Exhibition Area at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway at your sponsored session

  •VIP Rece pt ion arrangement for your Head of Delegation

  •Limo service for your Head of Delegation between HaiKou Airport and Boao

  •5 complementary copies of after-conference publication

  •Thank-You Letter from BFA after the conference

  •Photo or Video of your sponsored session at AC 2004

  Should you have other preferences please feel free to discuss with us

  Silver Conference Sponsor : On ly Four Available @ US$ 10 0,000

  •3 complimentary delegates pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges)

  •2 work Pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges, and no access to key sessions)

  •Round-table sponsorship

  •President/CEO's addressing your Sponsored Session

  •P ropose T opic for sponsored session before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •Propose Speakers for sponsored session before Feb.15 , 200 4 (subject to BFA final approval)

  •photo opportunity with Chinese government leader (one pass only)

  (if possible)

  •Access to and Preferred Seating at VIP rece pt ion where prominent heads of state from China and the other 2 5 member countries are present ( one passes only )

  •On e-on- On e meeting with select ed ministers attending AC 2004 (subject to minister' s availability and acce pt ance)

  •Corporate Name or Logo on Conference Handbook

  •0.5 page Corporate Intro or Advert on Conference Handbook

  •Corporate Name or Logo on BFA Website

  •Free Hyper Link on BFA Website to your Website

  •Acknowledgement on AC 2004 Print Media Sponsor publication (subject to BFA arrangement)

  •Event Photo on after conference publication

  •Recommend journalist attending BFA AC2004 (one pass only)

  •Logo Acknowledgement at Plenary Session at International Conference Center (ICC)

  •Prominent Logo Acknowledgement at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway in Sponsor's Exhibition Area at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway at your sponsored session

  •Limo service for your Head of Delegation between HaiKou Airport and Boao

  •3 complementary copies of after-conference publication

  •Thank-You Letter from BFA after the conference

  •Photo or Video of your sponsored session at AC 2004

  Should you have other preferences please feel free to discuss with us

  Ordinary Conference Sponsor : On ly Six Available @ US$ 25 ,00 0 cash or @US$30,000 in kind contribution

  •1 complimentary delegate pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges)

  •1 work Pass (does not cover accommodation and incidental charges, and no access to key sessions)

  •Corporate Name or Logo on Conference Handbook

  •Corporate Name or Logo on BFA Website

  •Event Photo on after conference publication

  •Logo Acknowledgement at Plenary Session at International Conference Center (ICC)

  •Prominent Logo Acknowledgement at ICC

  •Company literature and giveaway in Sponsor's Exhibition Area at ICC

  •Opportunity to distribute your products or gifts to VIP delegates (subject to BFA approval)

  •1 complementary copy of after-conference publication

  •Thank-You Letter from BFA after the conference

  •Photo at AC 2004

  Should you have other preferences please feel free to discuss with us

  Agreement and Payment:

  All agreement will be signed between BFA and the Sponsor Company. The agreement signed between BFA and sponsor shall reflect the final list of benefits.

  The first payment of (50%) must be remitted to BFA's designated bank account within 3 days after the agreement is signed while the other half (50%) must be received by BFA by Apr.1,2004 .

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