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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年03月24日 13:27 博鳌论坛



  Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2004 is to be held at Boao, Hainan , China April 24-25, 2004 . The secretariat of the Forum is extending a cordial invitation to you to come to the Conference and report on all of the related events. To assist your application, registration and reporting, we hereby provide the following notes for your reference:

  Special Notice:

  Due to limited capacity of conference and accommodation facilities, the AC 2004 may set a limit on the number of attending journalists. We ask for your kind understanding. BFA Secretariat will send the invitation to those invited media via fax or mail in the coming days.

  Should you be interested in the conference, please contact us via email. The Secretariat may send invitation to such journalists if there is any seat available before the Conference.

  Email: press@boaoforum.org


  •Conference registration fee will be waived for journalists.

  •Members of the working press shall be responsible for their own hotel expenses during their stay at Boao.

  •Members of the working press shall be responsible for their own inter-city transportation between their departure points and airports on the Hainan Island .

  •The Conference will arrange free shuttle bus service between airports and the City of Boao ; free shuttle bus service will also be provided to reporters for their local transportation between venues, media center and hotels; except under special conditions, the Conference will not provide separate transportation service to independent media.

  •Some of the banquets and receptions will be open freely for reporters; the media center will also provide beverage. Other than the aforesaid, the attending reporters shall be responsible for their own meals during their stay at Boao.•The media center will provide free service for reporters. However, in case media orgs have the need to rent an independent enclosed working area, such orgs shall pay a certain amount of fee as according to related regulations publicized then; TV orgs might pay a certain amount of fee while using uplink facilities at the media center.


  •Upon receiving the invitation and the blank media accreditation form, please fill out the form clearly and completely. Such registration forms shall be considered as nullified unless signed by your supervisor and sealed with the official seal of your organization.

  •Please also provide the following while submitting your registration form:

  •a photocopy of your passport

  •two pieces of your passport photos (with each marked with your name on the back)

  •an assignment letter/appropriate credentials signed by your supervisor and sealed with the official seal of your organization (for non-mainland-Chinese reporter based in China , you may instead provide a photocopy of your Reporter's Credential issued by Chinese authorities).

  Lack of any of the afore-mentioned documents shall be considered as nullified.

  •The Conference of this year will not accept any application either in the format of facsimile or email. All application shall be delivered or mailed to the designated contact person in the original copy.

  Secretariat of Boao Forum for Asia

  Suite 2410 , China World Tower 2, No.1 Jianguomenwai Ave.

  Beijing , 100004, China

  Tel: +86 10 6505 7377 Fax: +86 10 6505 1833

  Email: press@boaoforum.org

  •The application deadline is April 24-25, 2004 , . Any delayed registration will not be entertained under any circumstances.

  •Accreditation process will not start until all the above mentioned documents have been received. It is advisable that you keep a copy of all the registration documents for your records.


  •Due to limited accommodation capacity of Boao, we ask for your kind understanding towards the limit attached to the number of reporters we can accredit.

  •Upon receiving all required documents, after the accreditation, we will issue a letter of confirmation to each applying reporters to inform whether they have been accredited. For those accredited, we will prepare their press passes according to the information they provided in the registration form.

  •For security reasons, access to the Conference, including the media center, will be limited to accredited representatives of the media including photographers and camera crew.

  •Reservation of Hotel

  •Accredited reporters, upon receiving the letter of confirmation, shall reserve hotels by themselves. A hotel reservation form will be sent to you together with the letter of confirmation. The designated hotels will not accept any reservation without the provision of letter of confirmation and the confirmation serial number assigned to each accredited reporter.

  •Each accredited reporter shall reserve only one room with his/her given confirmation number.

  •The Boao Forum for Asia reserves the right to adjust the accommodation arrangement according to actual situation.

  •Press Pass

  •The Press center will make press pass for each accredited reporter based upon the information provided in the registration form.

  •Reporters may pick up press passes at the reception counter upon arrival at Haikou Meilan Airport; for those who do not take flights to Haikou, press passes can be picked up at Peilan Bridge at Dongyu Island, Boao (along the road to the conference center).


  •Due to security reasons, access to all venues and hotels of the Conference will be strictly limited to accredited members of the working press. Please be advised that accreditation does not automatically allow access to all events of the Conference as some programs may require pre-registration of the media due to seating limitations or other unforeseeable circumstances.

  •For information other than the above, please refer to the conference handbook distributed during the conference.

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