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Race begins for StanChart stake

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年02月26日 09:35 新浪财经


渣打银行(Standard Chartered)昨天成为收购传言对象。在此之前,渣打银行最大的股东、新加坡商界大亨邱德拔(Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat)于上周末去世。

Standard Chartered yesterday emerged as the subject of takeover speculation following the death at the weekend of Singaporean tycoon Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat, StanChart's largest shareholder.


Its London share price climbed 3.3 per cent to 955.50p as analysts suggested Mr Khoo's death might trigger a sale of his 13.4 per cent stake - worth ?.5bn ($2.8bn) - to any predator, despite the bank's insistence on remaining independent.


The fate of the bank - whose pan-Asian consumer and corporate banking franchise is highly prized - will not be decided immediately. The Khoo family said yesterday it would be "premature" to comment.

然而,高盛(Goldman Sachs)的银行分析师罗伊•拉莫斯(Roy Ramos)表示:“我们相信,近期维持现状是有可能的,但由于邱德拔及其家族过去不是战略或积极股东,所以长期来看现状是不可能维持的。”

However, Roy Ramos, banks analyst at Goldman Sachs, said: "We believe the status quo is likely in the near term but unlikely longer term, particularly as Mr Khoo and his family were not strategic or active shareholders."


The stake is believed to have been Mr Khoo's biggest asset, but is thought to have been run by a couple of his daughters for the past few years and is held through a number of family trusts and public companies.


Friends of the Khoo family said that any decision about a possible sale of the stake in StanChart would be taken mainly by four of Mr Khoo's 14 children.

预计最终决定将由他女儿马维什•黄(Mavis Oei)、杰奎琳(Jacqueline)和伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)及他儿子埃里克(Eric)一起做出。埃里克是新加坡最著名的电影导演之一。这四人是几家地产公司的董事会成员,而这几家公司控制着邱氏家族在渣打银行的股份。

His daughters Mavis Oei, Jacqueline and Elizabeth and son Eric, one of Singapore's most prominent film directors, are expected to dictate the final decision. The four serve as board directors on the several property companies that control the Khoo family stake in StanChart.

“这些子女介入很多家族生意,而且和他们的父亲非常亲近。他们都像父亲一样精明,”邱先生的朋友、前美国驻新加坡大使史蒂芬•格林(Steven Green)说。

"The children are very involved in the family business and very close to their father. They are very sharp people like their father," said Steven Green, a former US ambassador to Singapore and a friend of Mr Khoo.


Mr Khoo, who bought the stake in 1986, saw Standard Chartered as a good long-term investment but whether the children share that view is unclear.


"Mr Khoo was very much the family patriarch. When one person makes a decision it can be quite different to when several persons have to make it," a family friend said.


If the family were to decide to sell their stake, StanChart, which has a market capitalisation of ?1.3bn, is seen as highly attractive.


It has an enviable footprint in 50 fast-growing Middle Eastern, African and Asian markets like India and Hong Kong. And the management has proved successful in changing the focus of its wholesale business towards higher-margin structured and derivative products, while improving the unit's cost-income ratio.


It has brought down bad-debt levels at both the corporate and consumer banking operations.


However, StanChart trades on a forward p/e of about 16 times which would make any acquisition potentially dilutive for a UK bank such as Barclays which trades on a forward p/e of 10 times.

花旗集团(Citigroup)和摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase)被认为是潜在收购方。汇丰(HSBC)已拥有香港市场30%到40%的份额,如果竞购则将遭遇监管方面的难关。

Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase are viewed as potential buyers. HSBC, which already has 30-40 per cent of the Hong Kong market, would run into regulatory difficulties if it were to bid.


Temasek, the Singapore government investment company, which has been active in buying stakes in Asian banks, could be interested. Analysts also suggested state-owned banks in China might be tempted.

然而,大多数分析师认为股份不会马上出售。Fox-Pitt, Kelton的苏尼尔•加格(Sunil Garg)称:“渣打银行的管理层显然对自身前景抱有信心,因而目前不太可能支持这样的交易。”

However, most analysts do not believe a sale is imminent. Sunil Garg of Fox-Pitt, Kelton said: "The management of StanChart is clearly confident in its own prospects and is unlikely to support a deal now."


StanChart has seen shares rise from 566p in summer 2001 helped by the improvement in key Asian markets.

目前该银行所处的地位看来比2001年时稳固得多,当时首席执行官杜华(Rana Talwar)突然离职,对银行造成相当大的不确定性。

The bank is seen as being in a much stronger position than in 2001 when the sudden departure of chief executive Rana Talwar created considerable uncertainity.

自那以后,杜华的继任者戴维思(Mervyn Davies)已经改善了渣打在关键市场的盈利状况。

Since then Mervyn Davies, his successor, has improved the bank's profitability in key markets.


Last week the bank reported annual pre-tax profits of $1.54bn up from $1.26bn in 2002.


StanChart in Singapore said the future of Mr Khoo's stake "is a question for his family".





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