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Nokia takes control of Symbian

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年02月11日 10:04 新浪财经


全球移 动电话龙头企业诺基亚(Nokia)周一控股最大的智能电话操作系统提供商Symbian,公司与微软(Microsoft)之间的争斗进一步升级。

Nokia, the world's leading maker of mobile phones, stepped up its battle with Microsoft on Monday by taking control of Symbian, the leading supplier of smart-phone operating systems.


The Finnish group, which was already Symbian's biggest shareholder and customer, plans to buy 31.1 per cent of Symbian from Psion for an estimated £135.7m (.2m), to take its total stake to 63.3 per cent.


The move will give Nokia more influence over Symbian's development as it battles to stop Microsoft gaining the same dominance in mobile software as it has in personal computers. Despite Microsoft's efforts, Symbian has 95 per cent of the fast-growing smart-phone market.

但分析师说,如果Symbian成为诺基亚的自有系统,而不是一个公开标准,将引发激烈反应。Symbian目前是一个受到手机制造业广泛支持的公开标准。Symbian公司的其他股东包括诺基亚的竞争对手索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)、爱立信、三星(Samsung)和松下(Panasonic)。

But analysts said there could be a backlash if Symbian is seen as Nokia's proprietary system, rather than an open standard with broad support in the handset manufacturing community. Symbian's other shareholders include Nokia rivals Sony Ericsson, Ericsson, Samsung, Siemens and Panasonic.


Nokia is paying an initial £93.5m for Psion's Symbian stake and will pay a further 84p for every device sold with a Symbian operating system in 2004 and 2005. Analysts expect around 18.7m Symbian devices to be sold in 2004 and 31.5m in 2005. The agreement values Symbian at £436.2m, more than a third higher than the £300m valuation placed on it last autumn when Nokia and Psion agreed to buy Motorola's 19 per cent Symbian stake.


There has been constant speculation since the Motorola deal that Nokia would either bid for Psion outright or seek to acquire the company's Symbian stake.

Canalys的分析师雷切尔•拉什弗德(Rachel Lashford)说:“其他股东将会担忧自己在为一个主要竞争对手融资。”其他股东根据各自股权,对Psion所要出让的股权享有相应的优先购买权,但据称他们不太可能挑战诺基亚的行动。

Rachel Lashford, analyst at Canalys, said: "The other shareholders will be concerned about financing a major competitor." The other shareholders have proportional pre-emption rights over the Psion shares, but it is thought unlikely that they would challenge Nokia's move.

诺基亚技术销售副总裁安蒂•瓦萨拉(Antti Vasara)表示,公司希望确保Symbian在“竞争极其激烈的市场立于不败之地”。他承认,诺基亚与Symbian可能被视作同一家企业,或许会令一些用户敬而远之。

Antti Vasara, Nokia vice-president of technology sales, said the company wanted to ensure that Symbian had "staying power in an extremely competitive market". He admitted that Nokia and Symbian could be regarded as the same entity, potentially deterring some users.





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