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Be economic with your altruism

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年02月10日 09:59 新浪财经



Do nice guys ever finish first? It depends how well they know the people they are being nice to. That is the lesson at the heart of the well-known puzzle called the Prisoner's Dilemma.


In its classic form, the dilemma works like this. Two people are arrested for armed robbery and placed in separate cells. A detective outlines the options to each separately. If alleged robber A confesses, he will go free and his evidence will be used to convict his buddy, who will get five years.


On the other hand, if robber B confesses, he will go free and A will get the five years. If both confess, their guilty pleas will win them a reduction of sentence and each will get three years. And if neither says a word? Then they will be charged with illegal weapons possession instead, for which they can expect six months.


Before the attempted heist, the two villains agreed that, if arrested, they would keep quiet, which would attract the lightest punishment they could get without implicating each other. But in the gloom of the cell, dark thoughts set in. If I confess, A reflects, and B is stupid enough to keep his part of the deal, he will get five years, but - hey - I will go free. But can I trust him not to do the same to me?


What researcherssintosthe Prisoner's Dilemma have discovered is that people co-operate rather than betray each other if they are likely to meet again. So villagers do each other favours while residents of large, anonymous cities do not. Someone who thinks nothing of dropping his hamburger wrapping in a city park would not dream of littering his next-door neighbour's living room.


Evolutionary theory finds this easy to comprehend. Those who find others they can collaborate with have a natural advantage over solitary operators. On the other hand, people who offer kindness to those who are un-likely to reciprocate are suckers. Conventional economic theory favours such hard-headed behaviour too. Profit-minded companies should protect the environment or support local arts groups if there is something in it for them: heading off expensive environmental legislation or winning new customers. Corporate social responsibility for its own sake is a waste of shareholders' money.

美国康乃尔(Cornell)大学管理学、经济学和公共政策教授罗伯特•法兰克(Robert Frank)在一组论文中争辩说,生活并非如此简单。单凭经济学理论和进化论,如何解释在“囚徒困境”这样的一次性事件中,有些人会选择合作,对自己永远不会再见到的人“讲仁慈”,“讲义气”呢?为什么人们会在自己不会返回的路旁餐厅留下小费?为什么有人会把拾到的钱包交给警察,而他们并不预期会遇到失主,更无望得到酬谢呢?

In this selection of essays, Robert Frank, professor of management, economics and public policy at Cornell University, argues that life is not that straightforward. How do economic and evolutionary theory account for people who choose to co-operate in "one-shot" Prisoner's Dilemmas - who offer kindness or decency to those they will never meet again? Why do people leave tips in motorway restaurants to which they will not return, and why do they hand lost wallets to the police when they never expect to meet the wallets' owners, much less receive rewards?


Prof Frank argues that many consumers take a moral approach to their purchases and will pay higher prices for products they consider ethically acceptable. The demand for dolphin-friendly tuna is one example.


There are, in any event, economic advantages to corporate social responsibility, he says. Companies involved in more socially acceptable pursuits have a cost advantage: employees will work for them for less. On the other hand, people demand a premium to work for companies that the rest of society holds in low esteem. So while tobacco companies have to pay expert witnesses large fees to testify before congressional committees, anti-smoking activists will testify for nothing - and even volunteer to pay their own travel expenses. Wall Street law practices have to pay huge salaries while public interest firms can get top graduates for a fraction of the price, Prof Frank says.

这些主张成立吗?不见得。大部分研究显示,消费者对于“道德购买”没有什么兴趣。英国食品分销协会(Institute of Grocery Distribution)在2002年完成的一项研究报告中指出:“除了自己和家人之外,极少有消费者会考虑,他们的购买决定对其他任何人或事物会产生的影响。”

Do these arguments stack up? Not really. Most research shows consumers have little interest in ethical shopping. In a 2002 study, the UK's Institute of Grocery Distribution said: "Few consumers consider the impact of their purchase decisions on anyone or anything but themselves or their family."


Campaigners call it the 30:3 syndrome: almost a third of consumers tell researchers they are ethical shoppers, but most products that claim to protect the environment, animals or low-paid employees have market shares of less than 3 per cent.


That public interest firms pay their lawyers less might once have been an intriguing argument to pursue, but is less relevant today when Indian lawyers are ready to do Wall Street work for wages even the public interest types would baulk at.


As Prof Frank concedes, while there are many acts of individual and corporate kindness, we cannot always rely on people or companies to behave decently. If society thinks it important for them to do so, it should have laws to compel them.


One final titbit from this book. Prof Frank's experiments with his students on variations of the Prisoner's Dilemma confirmed that people were reasonably ready to help one another, particularly if they had a chance to chat beforehand. One group, however, was quicker to betray than any other: economics students. And the more they had studied economics, the more betraying they did.





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