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Banks win in China by running slowly

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年01月16日 10:57 新浪财经



According to the Chinese adage, "failure is the mother of success". Over the past two decades, investment bankers - never the type to accept failure lightly - have learned to live by that maxim when seeking business in China.


The wheels of Chinese bureaucracy turn so slowly that it can take years, and a number of setbacks, to get a large state-owned company to list on an overseas stock market - the mainstay of investment banking business in China.

据悉,高盛(Goldman Sachs)在1996年就第一次与中国政府接洽,商谈中国银行(Bank of China)国际业务部分的上市事宜,6年后,中国银行才终于在香港首次公开发行。

Goldman Sachs is believed to have first approached the Chinese government over listing the international operations of Bank of China in 1996, six years before the lender eventually launched its initial public offering in Hong Kong.


"Winning an IPO in China is the most labour-intensive work we do anywhere in the world," says one senior Hong Kong-based banker.


Investment banks have to spend years cultivating government officials and company executives before they can claim a high-profile scalp and a multi-million dollar fee.

未来几周内,中国建设银行(CCB)可能会指定摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)担任其主要上市顾问。建行将是中国四大国有银行中第一家上市的银行,预计它在纽约和香港的首次公开发行价值将达50多亿美元。

In the next few weeks, China Construction Bank, the first of the big four state-owned lenders to list, is likely to appoint Morgan Stanley as the main adviser on its bn-plus IPO in New York and Hong Kong.


The main reason why the US bank is likely to win that landmark deal is that for the past nine years it has contributed significant amounts of people and money to an investment banking joint venture with CCB. "Morgan Stanley did not win CCB in [this month's] presentations, but during the preceding decade," says an executive at a rival investment bank.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)、瑞士信贷第一波士顿(CSFB)和瑞士银行(UBS)等摩根士丹利的竞争对手,甚至连参与建行上市投标的邀请都没有接到。它们正在努力与其它几家预计将上市的大型银行接洽。

Competitors including Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse First Boston and UBS have worked hard to get close to the other large banks expected to be listed (see graphic) and were not even invited to bid for the CCB mandate.


And despite pressure from impatient Wall Street bosses and expectant shareholders, most of the pre-IPO work - which includes wining and dining, expensive gifts and professional advice - is done for free.


Last year, investment banks shared some m in fees for IPOs of China-based companies, according to estimates by the research firm Dealogic - not nearly enough to compensate them for their expenditure on people and entertainment.


"It's very difficult for any single deal to be profitable," says a Hong Kong-based banker. "But we do it for the prestige, to build our credentials in China and for the follow-up business."


When Bank of China decided to sell a 10 per cent stake in its Hong Kong-listed subsidiary last month, it chose Goldman Sachs and UBS - the two advisers for the 2002 listing - as underwriters and paid them a fee estimated at between 1 and 2 per cent of the .88bn sale.

要深入到中国的资本市场体系,需要长期的前期努力,对于已经失去、或从未得到中国政府重视的投资银行来说,这是个难题。一些这样的投资银行正在竭力弥补,其中包括JP摩根(JP Morgan)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和花旗集团(Citigroup)。

The long lead times needed to enter the inner sanctum of Chinese capitalism pose problems for those investment banks that have lost, or have never had, the ear of Beijing's power brokers. Some, such as JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and Citigroup, are fighting hard to catch up.

据悉,JP摩根已邀请曾任尼克松政府国务卿的亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger)出面,就参与建行上市一事游说中国政府。另有报道说,德意志银行已求得德国总理格哈特•施罗德(Gerhard Schr鰀er)的援手。花旗集团则搬出美国前财长罗伯特•鲁宾(Robert Rubin),力图与摩根士丹利共同担任建行的上市顾问。据悉,德意志银行和花旗集团均曾向建行表示,若被选为上市顾问,它们将在建行首次公开发行时购买部分股份。1999年,花旗集团帮助中国海洋石油公司(CNOOC)赴海外上市失败,因此被迫退出了这个业务市场。

JP Morgan is believed to have asked Henry Kissinger, US secretary of state in the Nixon administration, to lobby the Chinese government over CCB. Deutsche Bank is reported to have enlisted the help of Gerhard Schr鰀er, the German chancellor. Both Deutsche and Citigroup, which was sidelined after failing to list the oil giant CNOOC in 1999, are believed to have told CCB that they would buy a portion of the IPO if selected as an adviser. The US bank has wheeled out Robert Rubin, the former US treasury secretary, to try to win a place alongside Morgan Stanley on the CCB team.

上述策略也许能够奏效。据悉,瑞银能意外入选中国银行上市顾问团队,前欧盟贸易专员列昂•布列坦爵士(Sir Leon Brittan)就在其中起到了关键作用。

These tactics can work. Sir Leon Brittan, the former European Union trade chief, is believed to have played a leading role in UBS's surprise inclusion on the advisory team for the Bank of China listing.


Compared with the high-powered investment banking world, foreign commercial banks have a low profile.


Their only option is to enter joint ventures with local partners to tap sintosthe ,300bn of savings held by the Chinese population.


Some, such as HSBC and Citigroup whose Chinese partners were awarded the right to launch a co-branded credit card last month, have succeeded. Others, such as the US private equity fund Newbridge with Shenzhen Development Bank, have not.

还有一些外国银行,如渣打银行(Standard Chartered),仍在中国寻求合适的当地合作伙伴。它们时刻牢记着:“失败是成功之母。”

Yet more, like Standard Chartered, are still looking for a suitable partner, remembering that "failure is the mother of success".





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