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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年11月09日 17:14 新浪财经






  一、理解原文要准确,译文表达要准确“台湾前途系于祖国统一”The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.原译:...lies in its reunification with the mainland.“尊重台湾人民当家作主的愿望”…respect…their (指台湾人民) wish to be among the masters of our countrya. to be master in their own houseb.to be the master of their own affairs c. to be masters of their own country“全面建设小康社会”a.to build a relatively comfortable society across the country b.to build a well-off society in an all-round way“外向型经济”outward-looking economy原译export-oriented economy改译internationally-oriented economy“党的代表大会常任制”the system of Party congresses with regular annual conferences permanent tenure of office“要把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会可承受的程度统一起来”a. to integrate the momentum of reform and the speed of development with the sustainability of the general public b. to takesintosfull consideration the momentum of reform and the speed of development and the capacity of the general public to cope with changesc. to balance the momentum of reform and the speed of development against the resilience of the general public“形成广纳群贤、人尽其才、能上能下、充满活力的用人机制”to form a dynamic personnel mechanism under which we can gather large numbers of talented people, put them to the best use and get them prepared for both promotion and demotion.“鼓励社会力量办学”encourage non-governmental sectors to run schools“打得赢、不变质”able to fight and win and always maintain its political color原译文able to fight and win and never degenerate




  毛主席在与安娜路易斯特朗会见时,谈到“一切反动派都是纸老虎”,‘纸老虎’曾被译为scarecrow(稻草人)。毛表示scarecrow没有反映出‘纸老虎’的含义,认为paper tigers更贴近中文。之后,通过斯特朗的笔,paper tiger在国际上已成为纸老虎的标准译法。

  “‘三个代表’重要思想”the important thought of the " Three Represents"the Three Represent's


  “不辱使命、不负重托”live up to the mission assigned to them and the full trust placed on them“收入分配关系尚未理顺”a. Things have yet to be straightened out in the matter of income distribution.b. Income distribution has yet to be rationalized.“以村党组织为核心的村级组织配套建设”the building of village-level supporting organizations which rally round village Party organizations原译文the building of village-level supporting organizations with village Party organizations as the core“善于进行理论思维和战略思维”To be good at thinking on a theoretical plane and in a strategic perspective.原译theoretical and strategic thinking“建立和完善三军一体、军民兼容、平战结合的联勤保障体制”a.establishing and improving a joint logistical support system featuring integration of the three commands of the army, compatibility of military and civilian purposes and the manufacture of products for both peacetime and wartime.b. establishing and improving a joint logistical support system for the three armed services,for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime.

  -在工作中,有意识地记录一些疑难译例。例如:“坚持党要管党、从严治党的方针”adhere to the principle that the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members

  “八个坚持,八个反对”:“坚持解放思想、实事求是,反对因循守旧、不思进取”“坚持理论联系实际,反对照搬照抄、本本主义”;“坚持密切联系群众,反对形式主义、官僚主义”;“坚持民主集中制,反对独断专行、软弱涣散”;“坚持党的纪律,反对自由主义”;“坚持清正廉洁,反对以权谋私”;“坚持艰苦奋斗,反对享乐主义”;“坚持任人唯贤,反对用人上的不正之风”。初译文:"Eight adheres and eight opposes"l. Adhere to the principle of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, and oppose following the beaten track or making no attempt for progress.2. Adhere to the principle of integrating theory with practice and oppose mechanical copying and book worship.3. Adhere to the principle of keeping close ties with the people and oppose formalism and bureaucracy.4. Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism and oppose indulgence in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions, or weak leadership and lax discipline.5. Adhere to the Party's discipline and oppose liberalism.6. Adhere to the principle of honesty and integrity and oppose abuse of power for personal gains.7. Adhere to the hard-working spirit and oppose hedonism.8. Adhere to the principle of appointing people on merit and oppose any malpractice in appointment.

  改译后的译文:The "eight do's" and "eight don'ts" are:1.Emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts; do not stick to old ways and make no progress. 2.Combine theory with practice; do not copy mechanically or take to book worship.3.Keep close ties with the people; do not go in for formalism and bureaucracy.4.Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism; do not act arbitrarily or stay feeble and lax.5.Abide by Party discipline; do not pursue liberalism.6.Be honest and upright; do not abuse power for personal gains.7.Work hard; do not indulge in hedonism.8.Appoint people on their merits; do not resort to malpractice in personnel placement.

  -培养对语言的浓厚兴趣,不断提高译者的综合素质。让我们对下列例句做一比较,译文a虽然意思正确,但带有中式英文的味道,而译文b表达就比较简练地道。“树立全民环保意识”a.help the whole nation see the importance of environmental protectionb.make everybody environmentally aware“完善公开办事制度”a.improve the system of keeping the public informed of matters being handledb.improve the system of public office transparency“政务公开”a.making government affairs known to the publicb.government transparency“社会公示制度”a.system of keeping the public informedb.system of pre-appointment announcement

  “领导干部述职述廉制度”a.the system under which leading cadres report on their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestlyb.…report on their work and job integrity“正确处理改革发展稳定的关系”a.properly handle the relationship between reform, development and stabilityb.balance reform, development and stability“干事业”a.(people are encouraged ) to achieve somethingb.…to be proactive

  -有些词和词组在汉语中使用率很高,它们看时容易译时难。例如:“素质”的译文就有好几种:“思想道德素质”ideological and ethical standards“科学文化素质”scientific and educational level“体能健康素质”physical health“素质教育”competence-oriented (or: quality-oriented) education“提高全民法律素质”people are better educated in law



  “自由主义”,在汉语中是指一种不好的思想作风,主张自由放任和无原则的和平,不讲组织纪律,奉行个人利益第一等,属贬义词。而在英语中“liberalism”主要是褒义词或是中性词,指不受清规戒律约束,思想开明,主张改革和进取。汉英意思差别很大。有的同志认为,如果我们将“自由主义”这个有贬义含义的词译成了英文的褒义词,英语国家的读者可能不好理解,甚至引起误解。“人民民主专政”,一直译为"a people's democratic dictatorship",但"dictatorship"在英语中是贬义词,除有专政的意思外,主要指“独裁统治”。今天国际形势、政治环境和阶级关系都发生了变化,是否还要继续译成“dictatorship”强调它的“独裁”含义?将其改译为people's democratic rule是否更有利一些?

  “民主党派”,多年来一直译为“democratic parties”,没有产生过歧义。但如果共产党和民主党派两词连用,译为“the Communist Party and democratic parties”,可能会误解为共产党是不民主的政党;如果译为“the Communist Party and other democratic parties”,则共产党也成了民主党派了,很难办。但后来出版的英译本中,将“民主党派”改译为the non-Communist parties.这个译法似乎不够贴切,它可解释为共产党以外的所有党派,而这些党派不一定都是中文本意上的民主党派,它包括的范围更广泛。有人建议译为:other political parties,但也没有完全解决问题。

  “中国人民解放军”从命名到如今,一直译为the People's Liberation Army,这已成为国际上通用译法,没有产生任何歧义。所以“军队”一词在报告中仍译为army,如“军队建设”译为army building。但在英语国家,army虽然有时也含空军,一般主要指陆军。如果凡有“军队”或“军”字均译成army,则含义不准确。今后可考虑除“解放军”和“建军”等个别已定型并通用的译法外,凡属整体意义上的“军队”或“军”(如“治军”),可译为the armed forces。

  “中国特色社会主义事业”the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics“中国特色”是否也可以根据不同的上下文选择不同的译文,如Chinese style (socialism)或Chinese (socialism).再如:“走中国特色的精兵之路”take China's own road of building fewer but better troops。

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