胡鞍钢教授简介 | ||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年06月02日 17:58 北京青年报 | ||
中国科学院、清华大学国情研究中心主任,中国科学院工学博士,北京科技大学工学硕士。1991年至1993年曾先后在美国耶鲁大学和Murry州立大学从事研究工作。2001年在美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院做访问教授。 胡鞍钢博士从1985年开始系统从事中国国情研究,是这一领域的主要开拓者之一,被海内外誉为“中国大陆新一代经济学者”。其著作涉及人口与发展、环境与发展关系、农业 美国《新闻周刊》曾评论指出胡鞍钢博士的经济政策建议是“中国新政”。美国《中国经济研究》称胡鞍钢与耶鲁大学政治系王绍光合著的《中国国家能力报告》是“近年年关于中国经济最有影响和最有争议的文献之一”。 VC of Prof. Angang Hu Professor, Director of National Situation Research Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University. Prof. Hu got his Doctor's Degree in Technology from Chinese Academy of Sciences and M.A. from Beijing University of Science and Technology, China. He has been on a post-doctorate project at Yale University and studied as a visiting scholar at Murry State University. With several scholars, Dr. Hu pioneered systematic national situation research of China in 1985 and have achieved a lot in this field. His work has been viewed by some foreign medium as "a Chinese deal" (News Weekly, U.S.A) . Report on China's National Ability, one of his books (co-author), was appraised by China Economy Research as "one of the most influential literature on China's economy in resent years".