国际电声界的传奇 世界的惠威 | ||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年03月10日 14:46 新浪财经 | ||
——部分国外媒介经典评论 “A good home theatre system must be made to handle a lot of volume,resolve dialogue appropriately,reveal all other sound-track information and recreate realistically dynamic information without breaking up.The Dul’cets meet all these criteria,with an additional bonus-they can be used in audio-only applications “一个好的家庭影院系统必须可以承受重放很大功率,准确地还原对白,一气呵成的重现所有其他的轨迹讯息,而且真实还原声音的活力动态,杜希Dul’cet符合所有的这些要求,别外还加一上条:他们具有平滑的频率特性,可以被用于重放Hi-Fi音乐。当我们用Dul’cet系统欣赏音乐的时候,它相当清晰,和我们以前听到的大部分中价位系统相比,它可以表现更多音乐细节。杜希的优势在于杰出的影像品质,宽广的频带和出色的真实声场展现定位能力,脱离箱体本身的影音信息以及相当平滑和恰到好处的声音重放” ――美国《INNER EAR REPORT》Ernie Fisher “THE WORD’POLITE’PERHAPS BEST DESCRIBES THE DUL’CET10’SONIC CHARACTER”“YOU ARE LIABLE TO LIKE THEM A LOT SINCE THEY DO ONE THING RIGHT–THEY MAKE MUSIC” “因为它们放出来的,是真正的音乐!我们的评判一致认为:它们的音质非常悦耳” ――美国《INNER EAR REPORT》Keith Yates “These little speakers are astoundingly accomplished when it comes to resolving midrange and high frequency information”“The all-round sound has substance and authority far beyond what one may expect of a small pair of speakers”“Focal information in the image field is nothing short of stunning”“explicit,easy to listen to,effortless,seamless and stunning” “这些小小的音箱对中高频的声音解析力令人惊骇!” ――-美国《INNER EAR REPORT》Ernie Fisher “Sound coming from these little gems is nothing short of astounding.Not only do they deliver sound much bigger than the enclosures seem to be able to manage,but the sound is also full-bodied and smooth” “M1已经有能力重放超越它尺寸限制的声场,确定了M1作为一个小型监听箱的地位。小型箱重放很高的音量并不罕见,但同时具有正确的声像和良好音质的却相当罕见” ――美国《INNER EAR REPORT》Ernie Fisher