艾尔·戈尔先生,美国前副总统Mr. Al Gore, Former vice-President, the United States of America
鲍伯·霍克先生,澳大利亚前总理Mr. Bob Hawke, Former Prime Minister of Australia
菲德尔·拉莫斯先生,菲律宾前总统Mr. Fidel Ramos, Former President of the Philippines
迈克·摩尔先生,世界贸易组织前总干事Mr. Mike Moore, Former Director-General, World Trade Organization
保罗·沃尔克先生,前美联储主席Mr. Paul Volcker, Former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve
罗伯特·蒙戴尔先生,1999诺贝尔经济学奖得主Mr. Robert A. Mundell, Winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economics
杰克·布尔曼先生,国际货币基金组织高级顾问和特派员Mr. Jack Boorman, Counsellor and Special Advisor, IMF
龙永图先生,中华人民共和国外经贸部副部长Mr. Long Yongtu, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
肯尼斯·克迪斯先生,高盛亚太区主席Mr. Kenneth S. Courtis, Vice Chairman-Asia, Goldman Sachs
谢伏瞻先生,中国国务院发展研究中心副主任Mr. Xie Fuzhan, Vice President of Development Research Center of the State Council,P.R.CEconomic & Trade Commission, P.R. C
威廉·奥弗霍尔特先生,美国兰德公司亚太政策负责人Mr. William Overholt, Chair of Asia Pacific Policy, RAND Corporation
茅于轼先生,北京天则经济研究所理事长Mr. Mao Yushi, Chairman of Unirule Institute of Economics
王琴华女士,中华人民共和国国家经贸委产业损害调查局局长Ms.Wang Qinhua, Director-General, Investigation Bureau of Industry Injury, State