詹姆斯-格拉斯曼先生,一位著名的财经评论家,目前同时担任华盛顿邮报和国际先驱论坛报的专栏作家。他曾是电视节目主持人,分别主持过公众广播系统的技术与政治节目以及CNN的政治与时事节目。格拉斯曼先生曾经担任美国国会日报《点名》(Roll Call)的编辑和《美国新闻与世界报道》的执行副总裁。他也曾是《新共和》(The New Republic)杂志的出版商,《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly)杂志公司的总裁,以及《华盛顿人》(Washingtonian)杂志的执行编辑。格拉斯曼先生发表过两本关于股市的书(包括与凯文哈塞特 合著的《道琼斯36,000例》(Dow 36,000) )。他拥有哈佛大学的学历。
James K. Glassman
Mr. James K. Glassman, a well-known financial and economic commentator, is a syndicated columnist for the Washington Post and the International Herald Tribune and a former television host of programs on technology and politics (for the Public Broadcasting System) and on politics and current events for CNN. Glassman was the editor of the U.S. Congress daily paper Roll Call and a former executive Vice-President for U.S. News and World Report. He was publisher of The New Republic magazine, president of the Atlantic Monthly magazine company, and the executive editor of Washingtonian magazine. Glassman has published two books on the stock market (including Dow 36,000 with Kevin Hassett) and has a degree from Harvard University.