
2021年02月25日 00:32 中国石化新闻网


    中国石化新闻网讯 据阿拉伯贸易2月24日消息称,根据国际可再生能源机构(Irena)的一份新报告,约旦的可再生能源电力份额从2014年的几乎为零增长到2020年的20%左右,这得益于支持可再生能源技术部署的有利框架和政策,包括太阳能光伏(PV)和陆上风能。



    约旦能源和矿产资源部工程师Hala Zawati说:“本报告的建议符合新发布的《2020-2030年能源战略》及其行动计划。”



    Irena总干事Francesco La Camera表示:“约旦拥有巨大的可再生能源资源潜力,如果实现这一潜力,将降低消费者能源成本,改善国家能源安全,创造就业机会并刺激可持续增长,从而推动Covid-19后的经济复苏努力。”


    朱佳妮 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易


    Jordan’s share of electricity from renewables up 20pc

    Jordan’s share of electricity from renewable energy sources grew from almost zero in 2014 to around 20 per cent in 2020, thanks to enabling frameworks and policies that have supported the deployment of renewable energy technologies, including solar photovoltaic (PV) and onshore wind, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena).

    However, opportunities exist to deepen private sector engagement in national efforts to reach a 31 percent share of renewables in total power by 2030, stated Irena in its report, "Renewables Readiness Assessment: Jordan" – developed in co-operation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

    The report has identified a series of policy measures that can help advance the energy transition towards renewable energy in Jordan.

    "The recommendations of this report comply with the newly issued Energy strategy 2020-2030 and its action plan," remarked Engineer Hala Zawati, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan.

    The report presents policy action areas to increase energy security and boost supply diversity through the accelerated uptake of renewables and includes ideas to boost end-use electrification and increase the availability of energy transition investments from domestic institutions.

    "We are fully aware that to achieve all these ambitious targets, a strong partnership between the public and private sectors is needed. We are also eager to work with international friends and partners to make renewable energy a main pillar of the Jordan energy sector," stated the minister.

    "Jordan boasts significant renewable energy resource potential that if realised will reduce consumer energy costs, improve national energy security, create jobs and stimulate sustainable growth – boosting post Covid-19 economic recovery efforts," remarked Irena Director-General Francesco La Camera.

    "This report highlights a series of policy and regulatory measures that will allow Jordan to build on its energy transition progress to date and align it with 2030 national decarbonisation goals," he stated.








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