

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年10月23日 12:45  金牛财顺


     香港(道琼斯) - 中国民生银行一位官员周四说,中国2008年进口黄金112吨。Lila Lu,中国民生银行北京贵金属部的主管说,净进口的增加是由176%的黄金投资需求增长(达68吨)与21%的珠宝需求增长(达326吨)推动的。根据官方估计,中国黄金生产2008年达到282吨,为世界第一。   China 2008 Net Gold Imports 112 Tons - Minsheng Exec Thu, Oct 22 2009, 10:20 GMTHONG KONG (Dow Jones)--China imported 112 metric tons of gold in 2008, an executive at China Minsheng Banking Corp. (600016.SH) said Thursday.   A rise in net imports was driven by 176% growth in investment demand for the yellow metal, which hit 68 tons, and 21% growth in jewelry demand to 326 tons, said Lila Lu, the Beijing-based head of precious metals at China Minsheng Bank.   According to official estimates, China's gold mine production reached 282 tons in 2008, making the country the biggest producer in the world.       □ .郑.鹏  .西.汉.志

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