

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月14日 18:34 文华财经

  DJ Egypt's FIHC Buys 25,000 Tons Soyabean Oil - Official


   CAIRO (Dow Jones)--Egypt's state-owned Food Industries Holding Company said Wednesday it bought 25,000 metric tons of soybean oil in a tender.

   Of the total, FIHC purchased 10,000 tons from Glencore at the price of $1,084.85/ton, a FIHC official told Dow Jones Newswires.

   FIHC also purchased another 10,000 tons on behalf of the state-owned General Authority for Supply Commodities from Glencore at the same price.

   That oil is for shipment during the second half of December, the official added.

   FIHC bought 5,000 tons in Egyptian pounds from the National Company for Vegetable Oils at the price of EGP5,270 ($966) a ton for delivery Dec. 10 to Jan. 7.

   FIHC last bought oil Nov. 1 when it purchased 5,000 tons of sunflower oil from Toepfer at the price of $1,279/ton, for delivery during the second half of Dec.


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