
中西部内陆地区大豆基差持坚 玉米基差持稳至走软

http://www.sina.com.cn  2007年09月25日 10:34  文华财经

  文华财经(综合编译 周鸿宇)--据芝加哥9月24日消息,美国中西部内陆地区大豆基差报价周一大多持稳至持坚,因农民销售缓慢,玉米基差大多持稳至走软,受收割推进打压。

   CHICAGO, Sept 24 (Reuters) - Soybean basis bids were steady to

  firm around the interior U.S. Midwest on Monday amid slow country

  movement, while corn bids were mostly steady to weak, pressured by

  the advancing harvest, dealers said.

   A grain merchant at one interior Indiana location raised his

  soybean bid by 10 cents a bushel in an attempt to draw more soybean

  movement early this week.

   But he said the basis could drop just as quickly as freshly

  harvested supplies flood the marketplace when more soybeans are

  harvested in in the region in the next week to ten days.




   Warm, dry weather across the Corn Belt over the weekend allowed

  farmers to continue actively harvesting corn and begin harvesting


   The U.S. Agriculture Department said 22 percent of U.S. corn was

  harvested as of Sept. 23, compared with 12 percent at the same point

  last year and the five-year average of 14 percent. But that was

  below trade estimates for 25 to 30 percent.


  美国农业部表示,截至9月23日,玉米收割率为22%,上年同期为12%,5年平均值为14%。 但低于此前预估的25%-30%。

   Illinois corn was 46 percent harvested as of Sunday, versus 13

  percent last year and 16 percent on average, USDA said.

   Corn in

  Indiana was 21 percent harvested, compared with 5 percent last year

  and 9 percent on average, it said. Iowa corn was narrowly ahead of

  schedule at 7 percent harvested, USDA said.


   USDA said U.S. soybeans were 12 percent harvested as of Sunday,

  near the low end of trade estimates but ahead of last year's 9

  percent and the five-year average of 11 percent.


   Soybean basis bids were weaker along Midwest rivers on Monday

  due to a sharp drop in the soybean CIF barge values, river dealers



   September CIF bids for soybeans dropped 15 cents a bushel Monday

  afternoon amid heavy selling by one exporter, trade sources said.



   At the Chicago Board of Trade, December corn futures <3CZ7>

  closed 3 cents per bushel lower on Monday amid harvest pressure and

  in a setback from a three-month high posted overnight.

   CBOT soybeans were mixed in choppy trade, with November <3SX7>

  closing down 1/4 cent at $9.78-3/4.

   December wheat <3WZ7> closed up 3-3/4 cents at $8.77-3/4 a

  bushel as profit-taking pressure offset support stemming from strong

  U.S. export prospects and crop concerns in Australia.

  CBOT 12月玉米期货合约周一收盘下跌3美分,受收割推进打压。CBOT大豆期货在震荡交投中涨跌互现,11月大豆合约收盘下跌1/4 美分至每蒲式耳9.78-3/4美元;12月小麦合约上涨3-3/4美分至每蒲式耳8.77-3/4美元。

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