
受电子盘升势带动 CBOT玉米期货开盘料上涨5-6美分

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月04日 21:50 文华财经

  文华财经(综合编译 刘娜)--据芝加哥4月4日消息,CBOT玉米期货周三开盘料将上涨5-6美分,尾随隔夜建立起来的强势,并受在过去几个交易日大幅下跌后应会反弹想法推动。





  DTN Meteorologix气象机构称,预计未来5天,美国中西部的西部地区大体维持干旱和寒冷天气,最低温度可能低于20华氏温度。气温较正常温度10-20华氏温度。



  In the western U.S. Midwest mainly dry and cold conditions are expected over the next five days with low temperatures possibly below 20 degrees Fahrenheit and highs only in the 30s F and low 40s F, DTN Meteorologix Weather said. These temperatures are 10-20F degrees below normal.

  In the eastern sections of the region much colder weather with the chance of snow showers are possible Thursday with mainly dry and not as windy on Friday, Meteorologix Weather said. Temperatures are expected to average 15-25F degrees below normal in the period.

  On daily technical charts, May corn prices hit a fresh five-month low Tuesday as the bearish fallout from the USDA report on Friday continues, a technical analyst said. There could be more downside pressure in the coming sessions on continued long liquidation, the analyst added.

  The bears' next downside price objective is closing prices below solid support at $3.40, while the bulls would begin to regain some upside technical momentum by pushing prices above solid chart resistance at $3.62 1/2, the analyst added.

  First resistance for May is seen at $3.50 and then at $3.55. First support is seen at Tuesday's low of $3.43 and then at $3.40.

  In other corn news, China's National Grain and Oils Information Center CNGOIC has increased its 2007 corn production and acreage forecast as higher corn prices has caused a shift to more corn acres.

  Corn production in 2007 is forecast to reach 147 million metric tons, up from the 144.4 million tons produced in 2006. Corn acreage is seen increasing to 27.6 million hectares in 2007, up from last year's 26.9 million.

  Cash corn prices in China were stable in the week ended Wednesday as supply and demand were little changed, a trader in Beijing said.

  Corn futures on China's Dalian Commodities Exchange settled little changed as the market consolidated, analysts said. The bench mark September contract rose CNY2 to CNY1,669/ton.

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