
[澳洲小麦]西澳大利亚冬季谷物收割大多完成 --CBH

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年12月19日 15:35 文华财经

  文华财经(综合编译 兰兰)--据堪培拉12月19日消息,西澳大利亚谷物存储公司(Cooperative Bulk Handling,CBH)周一晚些时候表示,西澳地区冬季作物-包括小麦的收割已大多完成,尽管本周预期出现雷暴,将延缓收割的结束。

  Colin Tutt表示,至周一早晨,CHB共接到约61万吨冬季谷物和油菜籽,低于长期以来的年平均值1,100万吨,约为去年储存量的一半,受干旱天气的冲击。预计今年公司共将储存650万吨谷物。

   To early Monday, CBH had received about 6.1 million metric tons of winter grains

  and oilseeds of an expected total harvest of 6.5 million tons into its storages,

  well down on a long-term annual average harvest of 11 million tons and about half

  last year's intake, reflecting the impact of drought, Colin Tutt, CBH's general

  manager operations, said in a statement.

   Typically, 70% of the state's crop is wheat, so CBH's forecast suggests wheat

  production of around 4.55 million tons, down from an actual 9.5 million tons last

  crop year ended March 31, 2006.

   Nearly all the wheat and barley produced in the state is available for export,

  making the area a major cereal provider to the global trade.

   Intake in the northern Geraldton zone is down to a trickle and totals 417,445

  tons, more than 80% down on year-ago levels due to the drought, CBH reported.

   The company is the only major silo concern operating in the state and its intake

  figures are a reasonable proxy for state production.


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