

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年11月30日 11:20 文华财经

  文华财经(综合编译 兰兰)--据芝加哥11月29日消息,美国统计局(U.S. Census Bureau)公布的月度调查报告显示,美国10月大豆压榨量预估为1.617亿蒲式耳,高于9月的1.423亿蒲式耳。


   平均 区间 06年9月 05年10月

  大豆压榨量(百万蒲式耳)161.7 161.0-163.0 142.3 157.7

  豆油库存(十亿磅) 2.960 2.930-2.972 2.968* 1.895

  陡坡库存(千短吨) 344.0 300.0-380.0 320.0 304.9



   Providing the market with an indication of potential changes that could be

  made in the Census report was the National Oilseed Processors Association crush

  report. In its Nov. 14 report, NOPA said October crush was 154.984 million

  bushels, up 17.7 million bushels from September. The NOPA report includes

  figures only from member processors.


   The Census and NOPA figures have consistently held a spread of between 6 to 7

  million bushels, industry analysts said.


   Analysts anticipate a large jump in the crush due to seasonal tendencies that

  translate into sizable increases in crushing activity in the historical

  month-over-month comparisons for October and September.


   The abundance of available new-crop supplies for crushers, strong margins and

  solid export demand point toward record crushing activity for October, analysts

  said. Analysts are also focusing on reports of lower-quality new-crop soybeans,

  forcing crushers to crush more soybeans to make high pro soybean meal.


   Soyoil stocks will once again be highlighted, with traders looking for

  confirmation of the month-over-month soyoil stocks figure holding steady as

  reported in the NOPA crush report. Another factor that traders will be looking

  for confirmation on is the drop in soyoil yields from 11.75 to 11.39 pounds per

  bushel reported in NOPA's October data.


   For the products, soyoil stocks are seen declining slightly to 2.960 billion

  pounds in the report, down from 2.968 billion the previous month. In the NOPA

  report, soyoil stocks saw a 409,000-pound decrease in stocks.


   Despite outlooks for a decline in stocks, the report should show record-

  large domestic use of soyoil for the month of October, as strong biodiesel use

  and solid underlying demand serve as catalysts for healthy domestic usage, an

  analyst said.


   October soymeal stocks are seen increasing to 344,000 short tons, up from the

  320,000 reported for September.

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