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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年08月23日 16:40 文华财经

  文华财经(综合编译 刘娜)--据新德里8月23日消息,印度溶剂萃取商协会(Solvent Extractors' Association of India)会长A. R. Sharma周三表示,该国今年夏季油籽产量料将较去年同期减少80至100万吨,


  DJ India '06 Summer Oilseed Output Seen Dn 0.8-1.0M MT On Yr


   NEW DELHI (Dow Jones)--India's summer-sown, or kharif, oilseeds output is likely to decline by 800,000-to-1.0 million metric tons on year due to a smaller area covered under the crop in 2006, A. R. Sharma, president of Solvent Extractors Association, said Wednesday.

   According to industry estimates, India's kharif oilseeds output reached 13.35 million tons in 2005.

   The size of the country's oilseeds crop has a bearing on its imports of edible oils, which generally average close to 5.0 million tons in the marketing year to October.


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