2006年10月16日全球金融市场周报(独家双语版)http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月19日 14:10 上投摩根
Asia Pacific 亚洲 Stock markets in the Asia Pacific region took their cue from their Western counterparts last week, helping the MSCI Pacific ex Japan index up 0.6% in USD but 0.8% in local currency terms. Strength in technology stocks also lifted the Strait Times (+3.1%) in Singapore and the TWSI (+1.7%) in Taiwan. Banking stocks in Taiwan were lifted by news that Standard Chartered Bank would be taking over Taiwan's Hsinchu International Bank for USD1.2bn. Hong Kong's Hang Seng touched six-year highs on its way to a 2.1% weekly gain. Property and banking stocks rose on optimism that the next move in US interest rates would be down. A rebound in resources stocks helped Australia's All Ordinaries gain 1.3%. Last Wednesday the RBA left its key interest rate intact at a 5 ? year high of 6%. In Korea, where the stock market was closed for three days last week, the KOSPI fell 1.4% as worries over North Korea's threat to test its nuclear weapons unsettled investors. In active trading after the weeklong National Day holidays, China's A shares yesterday closed 1.9% higher at 1,875.11, the highest point since Sept 01. Despite having risen 53.6% this year through 10 Oct, the Chinese benchmark index remains nearly 20% below its Jun 01 peak of 2,337.92. India's SENSEX snapped a 10-week winning streak, closing with a nominal loss of 0.7% in a holiday-shortened trading week. Behind the slight retreat was the weaker support from both foreign and domestic institutions for top line stocks. Indonesia's JCI (+1.0%) finished the week 3.43 points off its all-time high. Last Thursday Bank Indonesia lowered its policy interest rate by 0.5% to 10.75%, marking its fifth reduction since May, and predicts that SE Asia's largest economy will expand 5.4% during 3Q06, which would be the strongest pace of growth in five quarters. 上周亚太股市跟随欧美市场上升,摩根士丹利太平洋(日本除外)指数以美元计升0.6%,以当地货币计升0.8%。科技股造好,亦刺激新加坡海峡时报指数(+3.1%)及台湾加权指数(+1.7%)高收。有消息指渣打银行可能出价12亿美元收购新竹国际银行,刺激台湾银行股上扬。香港恒生指数一度创六年新高,收市升2.1%。市场看好美国下一步会减息,刺激地产及银行股上升。 资源股反弹,刺激澳洲所有普通股指数升1.3%。澳洲央行于上周三将主要利率调高至6厘的五年半新高。上周南韩股市休市三天,北韩扬言进行核试令投资者惴惴不安,首尔证交所指数跌1.4%。中国A股市场于国庆黄金周假期后复市,本周一升1.9%,收报1,875.11点,创2001年9月以来最高位。年初至今,A股指数虽已上升53.6%,但与2001年6月的高位2337.92点相比仍有接近20%的距离。 国内外机构投资者对一线股份热情下降,印度SENSEX指数扭转连升10周的走势,跌 0.7%。印度尼西亚雅加达综合指数升1.0%,仅较历史高位低3.43点。上周四印度尼西亚央行减息半厘至10.75厘,是5月以来第五次减息,预计印度尼西亚第三季经济增长达5.4%,是五季以来最强劲的增长步伐。 新浪声明:本版文章内容纯属作者个人观点,仅供投资者参考,并不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。
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