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Fudan sets up cash award for managers

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年05月17日 13:18 Shanghai Daily

  Former Vice Premier Li Lanqing helped to launch the country's first award for management theories or successfully running a small business at Fudan University Thursday.

  Li, a Fudan alumni, donated 2 million yuan (US$247,000) to the award fund - the Fudan Premium Fund of Management - Thursday. The fund currently contains m
ore than 10 million yuan.

  Domestic scholars who have put forward their own management theories, successful entrepreneurs and other people who have made outstanding contribution to the country's management development are all eligible for the annual award. But nominees must hail from China's mainland.

  The award will be handed out annually, with the top winner grabbing a 500,000 yuan reward. Three runners-up will also take home 100,000 yuan each, Fudan officials said.

  Applications for this year's award are open from?Friday until May 31.

  Candidates need to go through a strict evaluation by an expert panel, which consists of management professionals from both home and abroad.

  Booming economy

  The winner of this year's award will be named in August, and will be invited to make a keynote speech at the Fudan International Management Forum in mid-August.

  "China's booming economy has created demand for high-level management professionals. We want to select the one who made his or her unparalleled contribution to the country's modern management development," Long Yongtu, secretary of the fund, said at a launching ceremony Thursday.

  Meanwhile, Long, the former vice minister of Foreign Trade and Economics and China's chief WTO negotiator, was appointed as a part-time head of Fudan's international relations college Thursday.



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